The secrets we all want to know

ltpic9In just a few days it will be 4th of July, which is a very big holiday for all of my friends and students In the USA! It’s also called Independence Day and marks the signing of the Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776 (declaring independence from Great Britain).

LT4thofJulyThis is a huge day of fun and celebration – lots of YANG energy! Some of the festivities are fireworks (of course!) along with parades, family reunions and barbecues. What the Americans are really celebrating is freedom. It reminds us just how lucky we are – all of us who live in countries that allow us freedom of choice, to follow our dreams and to reach whatever level of success we desire! Unfortunately not all people are so lucky.

I’ve included an article today on Paht Chee reading… with my updated course opening for registration on July 9th this should be of interest to you. You may have already received a few emails from me about my upcoming online course so stay tuned for more details early next week.

Please don’t forget to get your tickets and register for my upcoming Spiritual Event in Singapore on July 13 and KL on the 20th. I am so looking forward to seeing everyone again …the spiritual dimension of feng shui is really so vital to your overall practice! Do plan on spending the day with me, okay?

There’s still time to register Spiritual Feng Shui Event


P.S. – Wow – I almost forgot – please check out our updated new website – It’s easy to navigate with lots of great improvements- makes you shopping easy and fun. Do let me know what you think of the new site, okay?

Unlocking the Secrets of Your Birth Chart Does it Really Work?

A lot of people who aren’t familiar with feng shui or paht chee reading have asked me if it’s necessary to have both skills…and I always recommend that you learn both. Why? Because your level of success depends on timing…and having the knowledge of when the good and bad years, months and days will hit makes Paht Chee a fabulous life tool that offers invaluable advice for personal decision-making.

The Chinese Way of Thinking

You see, Chinese philosophy stresses that prevention is always better than cure so my approach to life and living is always focused on preventing bad things from happening…and this is one of the first things you’ll learn when you study feng shui with me. Knowing how to read your paht chee chart gives you ample warning to prevent misfortune…and it is a reliable and popular way of getting significant clues so that you can tap into your veins of good fortune days too.

We Chinese believe that it is only by knowing the benchmarks and milestones in your life as revealed in your birth data that you can be forewarned of obstacles in your life and identify the “lucky” periods too. This is what knowing how to do a Paht Chee reading will give you.

We don’t consult feng shui or paht chee experts from a fatalistic viewpoint…but rather the motivation is to discover the ways and means of improving our lives. You can do this too once you know how to read your chart.

It’s A Step By Step Process

Now once you begin the course and start to unlock the secrets of your birth chart and check back on years or time periods that have passed, you’ll find that it’s almost uncanny how accurate the reading is…and you’ll wish you had known before what lay ahead. How often have you said…”Oh…if only I had known this in advance!”

In my course you will first learn how to read your chart…and what’s so cool is that you will actually download your own personal chart from my website at and use it as I teach you step-by-step how to make a proper analysis.


Here’s a sample of a paht chee chart. You can download your own personal chart from my website to use in the course.

But that’s not all! As we find the problems that lay ahead I will teach you the remedies to help neutralize and overcome misfortune indications…as well as exactly how to enhance certain elements that will strengthen you. If you’ve studied feng shui with me and know the 5-Element Theory you are a step ahead…because the key is elemental analysis and it all goes back to the theory of the FIVE ELEMENTS.

Your Paht Chee chart is made up of four pillars or columns and each pillar comprises two levels containing two elements that define an important pillar of your date of birth – the year, month, date and hour. We’ll analyze the eight elements superficially and then in great depth…and the deeper we go into the analysis the more secrets about you are revealed. This course is all about analysis…and it’s not difficult.

Some Of My Students Are Famous

Look, there’s a lot of junk out there today on the internet making promises to everyone about life-changing results…so I don’t blame folks for wondering if learning Paht Chee is important and if it really works.

Let me share something with you.

My students that have studied with me in Malaysia learn enough Paht Chee in a week to undertake very comprehensive readings for themselves and others and now you can too. In fact, many have even turned pro and there are amongst my students a few who have now become so good that they successfully advise big politicians and business men helping them to maintain their success using the timing element! You simply need know the best times to make specific decisions regarding your success potential.

To your future!


The Eight Major Offerings

LTFlowerIn Chinese feng shui there are eight major offerings that are believed to bring excellent good fortune when made to the deities and especially to the Buddhas.

  1. The offering of food which signifies prosperity
  2. The offering of money which signifies generosity that leads to wealth
  3. The offering of water which signifies clear minds
  4. The offering of flowers, which signifies beauty.
  5. The offer of light which signifies knowledge and wisdom
  6. The offering of incense which signifies the overcoming of obstacles
  7. The offering of music or sound which signifies happiness
  8. The offering of dance, which signifies a cause for celebration.

All of these offerings are associated with each of the Eight Offering Goddesses who bring blessings from Buddha. Note the symbolism of the auspicious number eight…there is also a divine connection between this number and the celestial deities that shower down good fortune!LTCandles

If you have an altar at home you can enhance its energy by making offerings to the deities on the altar…so why not place eight lovely figurines to signify the eight offering goddesses? Place a little of each offering by each of the deities to ensure eight types of good fortune and protection.


ltpic10Grand Master Lillian Too is undoubtedly the world’s most prolific and popular writer and advocate on living with good feng shui! She has written over 100 books that have been translated into 31 different languages, and over 10 million copies of her books have been sold worldwide.

After graduating with an MBA from Harvard Business School, Lillian went on to pursue a highly successful business career in banking and finance in the 1980’s in Hong Kong. Her business acumen, drive and abundant energy soon led her from the finance world to the world of luxury department stores and boutiques where, through a leveraged buy out, she became Chairman and shareholder of The Dragon Seed Group.

All the while she was guided and taught by her feng shui masters in Hong Kong and China – and she attributes much of her monumental and quick rise to success in Hong Kong directly to them.

Lillian soon decided to retire from active corporate life and return to Malaysia to raise her beautiful daughter, Jennifer, and spend more time with her family. It was at this time she began to devote her energy to writing and furthering her study of feng shui.

She published her first book in Malaysia in 1995 that quickly became a best seller and the rest is history. Today she is Chairman of Wofs.Com, a feng shui franchise and merchandising company run by her daughter, Jennifer Too.

She trains feng shui students and future consultants at her Certified Consulting Institute in Malaysia and is much loved by her readers, associates and students for the way she teaches practical feng shui in a user-friendly way, using ordinary situations and circumstances that interest people and affect their everyday lives.

In November 2009, at the International Feng Shui Convention in Singapore, the well-deserved title of GRAND MASTER OF FENG SHUI was conferred upon Lillian Too. Immediately following this accolade, in early January 2010, she received the prestigious Brand Laureate Personality of The Year Award presented by the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia! There seems to be no stopping her popularity and these days!

Lillian believes everyone should know her secrets and learn how to adapt feng shui to modern life… and she warmly welcomes you into her Mandala.

You can learn more about Lillian by visiting her website at

Lillian Too Mandala – North American Office
3840 Blackhawk Rd,
Danville, CA 94506
Toll Free Info and Customer Servce : 1 866 508 8806
Email: Fax: +1 925 736 6177

Special Scents & IncenseLTProsperityIncenseSet

Fragrant scents can make you feel good instantly! Different smells have the power to change the vibrations of your personal space. Find an incense that works for you – usually natural scents work better than artificially produced chemicals. At WOFS we carry a wide range of incense and incense powders for many unique applications -be sure to go to and find one that suits you best!

Life is about realizing your own potential so that you can be of maximum benefit to the greatest number of people. Life signifies actions that make your existence really meaningful so you are fulfilled and can enjoy this special kind of happiness. Of course all depends on your past karma but you do have the opportunity to change your mankind luck and therefore your karma.