A gentle reminder…

It’s SPRING…a time of renewal and growth and there is no better place to enjoy it than in your garden. I love my garden and spend time in it regularly…it’s like a small piece of paradise for me.

You know a thriving and luscious garden with lots of healthy vibrant flowers and fruits, is the best indication that your home is enjoying good feng shui. I urge you to invest some time and effort in your garden this spring. You will find that working in the garden is very nurturing for the inner spirit as well.

Keep things well trimmed and don’t let things get wild and out of hand; water well and be sure it is fertilized. Stay away from plants like cacti, bonsai or any plant that have thorns as these create poison arrows and should be avoided. Plants that I like are the jade plant, bamboo, money plants, pine trees and various fruit trees like orange, peach and lime. Keep the five-element theory in mind as you design your plantings…and it would be wonderful if you can create the symbolic “green dragon” on the left side of your garden as you are looking out from the house.

A quick reminder: be sure to throw away any damaged pots, containers or diseased plants. Keep water features clean. Broken furniture and rotting plants or puddles attract yin energy that can cause illness in the family. While your feng shui inside the house may be perfect, if you neglect your garden and outside areas, your home and family will not enjoy good feng shui.

To your happiness!

P.S. My EARLY BIRD special pricing ends in 3 days! Be sure to register by April 15th for Sedona!!

6 Easy Ways To Welcome The Spring!

Spring is the season of rejuvenation and new beginnings! Here are some easy things you can do to activate the powerful growth energy of springtime.

create gold under your feet 1. Create Gold Under Your Feet

Place a red packet of 8 coins under a mat just outside the front door. This will attract good fortune to enter your home.

2. Get Yourself a Pet

The best time of the year to add a pet to the family is during the spring months. Dogs bring yang energy into the house and are associated with abundance…especially golden colored dogs. Cats signify protection…especially white cats that symbolically represent the white tiger.

3. Clear Your Clutter

The area surrounding your front door is an area that must absolutely be clear of clutter both inside and outside. Allow a free flow of energy into your home…and keep the chi moving slowing once it has entered your home.

4. Clean Your Fish Tank

If you have a fish tank in your living or dining area or office be sure to give it a thorough cleaning every few days. Merely doing this will attract major new opportunities into your life…perhaps even a new job offer or you may be introduced to a powerful mentor. If the pump is not working properly get it repaired, if fish look sick, change them and if plants inside your aquarium are overgrown remove and replace with fresh new plants. Cleaning the fish tank removes all obstacles…but a dirty tank attracts yin chi and life will stagnate!

5. Empower Yourself With Tree Energy

Did you know that trees radiate powerful wood and growth energy? If you are feeling frustrated with your job, unappreciated at home or stressed out by exams here’s a wonderful solution! Take a walk outside in your garden or a nearby park and soak up the energy of the trees. Choose a special tree that you like…one that is strong and healthy. Generally older trees with thicker trunks and branches will impart more powerful energy. Once you have chosen your tree just sit under it for a while and when you are ready place the palms of your hands on the trunk of the tree and close your eyes. When you become attuned to the tree and it’s mighty vibrations you will feel a surge of energy. Soak in the energy and visualize it dissolving all the tension in your body. It may take a little while to “tune into the tree” but I think you’ll be happily surprised by how this simple ritual really works!

6. Create A Symbolic Green Dragon

The Taoists believe that when there are healthy green plants on the left side of the garden, and if these grow in a way that resembles the undulating body of the celestial green dragon, the asset wealth of those living there will increase. So create a symbolic green dragon (on the left side of your garden from the inside looking out) and choose plants that resemble the dragon’s head and tail. In between, use plants of varying heights to simulate the undulating body of the dragon…larger leaves for the head of the dragon and perhaps a ginger plant for the tail.

Have Fun! Enjoy the springtime!


Maintaining the Flow

As Chinese living in Asia or Southeast Asia, we often take Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for granted…like certain foods we eat, acupuncture treatments, reflexology, the use of medicinal herbs and so on. We’re familiar with them because this is what we’ve grown up with…and often we don’t even think of them as “medicine.” But for many Westerners these practices are still relatively new and may even seem a bit foreign.

And even being familiar with the practice of Chinese medicine, many of us tend to overlook the significant role that “qi” or “chi” plays within the human body and just how sensible and natural certain treatments are.

Chi is vitally important – because good health (both physical, mental) is an expression of balanced chi and disease and illness occur when you inner chi becomes unbalanced.

Traditional Chinese Medicine dates back as far as 500-300 BC and original references are found in Huang Di Nei Jing or “The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Medicine” which explains the theories of TCM taken from conversation between the Yellow Emperor Huan Di and his trusted personal physician, Shi Po. Much is based on Taoist principles – the relationship of man to nature and how our way of life and relationship with our environment affect our health.

The unimpeded movement and flow of chi as energy coursing through our bodies is essential for good health…and when imbalances occur in the form of blockages, they can usually be treated with specific kinds of traditional Chinese medicine. For example, in the therapeutic treatment of acupuncture, needles are used to change the strength and speed of chi in certain body channels and to remove blockages, while specific foods can replace or strengthen weakened chi as do special medicinal herbs.

So it always comes back to balance and the unobstructed flow of chi within our bodies. We must be constantly aware of the energy within – our inner chi – this vital life force that has been given to us. No one else is going to guard and watch over it for you…and there is no one better to do it than you.

To your good health!


Grand Master Lillian Too is undoubtedly the world’s most prolific and popular writer and advocate on living with good feng shui! She has written over 100 books that have been translated into 31 different languages, and over 10 million copies of her books have been sold worldwide.

After graduating with an MBA from Harvard Business School, Lillian went on to pursue a highly successful business career in banking and finance in the 1980’s in Hong Kong. Her business acumen, drive and abundant energy soon led her from the finance world to the world of luxury department stores and boutiques where, through a leveraged buy out, she became Chairman and shareholder of The Dragon Seed Group.

All the while she was guided and taught by her feng shui masters in Hong Kong and China – and she attributes much of her monumental and quick rise to success in Hong Kong directly to them.

Lillian soon decided to retire from active corporate life and return to Malaysia to raise her beautiful daughter, Jennifer, and spend more time with her family. It was at this time she began to devote her energy to writing and furthering her study of feng shui.

She published her first book in Malaysia in 1995 that quickly became a best seller and the rest is history. Today she is Chairman of Wofs.Com, a feng shui franchise and merchandising company run by her daughter, Jennifer Too.

She trains feng shui students and future consultants at her Certified Consulting Institute in Malaysia and is much loved by her readers, associates and students for the way she teaches practical feng shui in a user-friendly way, using ordinary situations and circumstances that interest people and affect their everyday lives.

In November 2009, at the International Feng Shui Convention in Singapore, the well-deserved title of GRAND MASTER OF FENG SHUI was conferred upon Lillian Too. Immediately following this accolade, in early January 2010, she received the prestigious Brand Laureate Personality of The Year Award presented by the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia! There seems to be no stopping her popularity and these days!

Lillian believes everyone should know her secrets and learn how to adapt feng shui to modern life…and she warmly welcomes you into her Mandala.

You can learn more about Lillian by visiting her website at www.lillian-too.com.

Lillian Too Mandala – North American Office
3840 Blackhawk Rd,
Danville, CA 94506
Toll Free Info and Customer Service : 1 866 508 8806
Email: info@lilliantoomandala.com Fax: +1 925 736 6177


This is a excellent water feature suitable for the NORTH, EAST and SOUTHEAST areas of your garden. Make sure the water is clean at all times, even if this means replacing it every day. The wealth energy of this water feature increases, as more and more birds come to your birdbath.



If you are having difficulty making a decision, and there are a lot of complications and extenuating circumstances surrounding something important in your life, try breaking it down into bite-size pieces that are easier to analyze and understand. When the parts are studied separately it makes things much clearer, much faster!










Don’t miss this!

There are so many miracles in life that we miss! In fact they are happening every day of our lives…if we would only stop long enough to recognize them. Just the fact that we were born humans rather than animals or insects is a miracle in and of itself.

But miracles also abound in all realms of existence…the animal and insect realm as well. Watch this short video and I think you will understand what I mean.


I am an observer of signals…sent by other people, situations and also by the universe. This requires living in a state of awareness and being alert to my surroundings, friends, and things in nature, my dreams and circumstances that are happening in my life. Although it may sound tedious, actually with practice and over time it becomes quite easy…almost second nature in fact. Living this way I don’t miss the miracles…or at least not many and for that I am grateful.

Try living this week with a more watchful eye…and listen closely to everything. Become an observer of the many signals sent your way! Live in a state of constant awareness.


An Awesome Way To Skyrocket Your Self-Confidence

Choose an early morning hour, a day when the sun rises on a clear horizon and you are feeling well rested after a good night’s sleep. Go to a quiet place which can be indoors or outdoors and you will be alone.

First close your eyes gently with a light smile on your face and fill your mind with happy thoughts.  Breathe in and breathe out steadily and imagine yourself looking rested and beautiful…possessed of an inner quiet glow.  Feel clever and well-groomed…feel at peace with the world and then SLOWLY focus on the details of your SELF.

Work at creating a firm sense of confidence growing within you.  Think of your latest triumph or a moment when you felt good about yourself.  Nurture this feeling.  Give yourself a pat on the back.  Go through a small list of all the blessings in your life.  Become aware of yourself becoming more positive.  Think these thoughts until you feel your body start to warm up.

Now visualize a powerful bright light just above your head…it’s as blinding as the sun.  This bright orb of light is sending rays and rays of bright yellow golden light raining down on you.  The rays of light feel warm and gentle ad they fill your body with powerful rays of confidence.

Try keeping this visualization of rays of golden light enveloping you with new found confidence for as long as you can.  If you can maintain the image for a full minute it would be wonderful.  Think of all the things you want…and be convinced that the light rays coming to you from the cosmic orb are bringing you all that you wish for.  Easily and effortlessly.

Do this practice daily for a month and watch your self-confidence skyrocket.  Here’s a tip:  write a script if you think it will help!


Acknowledge Your Spirit’s Powerful Wisdom Source

There is a subtle life force…an all-encompassing energy presence that resides deep inside us affecting every aspect and dimension of our life. It is by tuning inward that we can connect with it.

Think of your spirit as an invisible life force composed entirely of energy – without form or substance and know that it is this powerful wisdom source of your spirit that nourishes your body and mind. When you connect with this inner source an awakening occurs that accelerates the flow of energy and fuses the chi of mind, body and spirit or what the Chinese refer to as tien, ti and ren – heaven, earth and mankind.

The Flow Of Light

Some refer to the manifestation of life force or chi as the flow of light…the vibration and movement within our bodies going on all the time. As life courses through the heart and blood vessels there is movement, and therefore there is also inner yang spirit energy. Traditional Chinese Medicine believes the vital points of the body stay connected via meridians and these meridians or energy lines flow through the human body, directing chi.

Inner and Outer Vibrations

When we begin to tune inwards we become aware of both inner and outer vibrations with people and the world around us and our mind and body develop new auditory sensitivities. Before long we begin to hear and feel our inner vibrations and we realize that we vibrate differently with different people. This inner wisdom tells us who and what excites us, what makes us happy.

Accessing the Spiritual Self

Begin today to connect to your own spiritual essence and become sensitive to your internal vibrations. Over time you will instinctively respond in tune with them. Develop your awareness by making a conscious effort to focus your mind inwards.Accessing the spiritual self involves reaching inward for the energy source within…your inner chi. It is a very personal, wonderful and sacred adventure.


Grand Master Lillian Too is undoubtedly the world’s most prolific and popular writer and advocate on living with good feng shui! She has written over 100 books that have been translated into 31 different languages, and over 10 million copies of her books have been sold worldwide.

After graduating with an MBA from Harvard Business School, Lillian went on to pursue a highly successful business career in banking and finance in the 1980’s in Hong Kong. Her business acumen, drive and abundant energy soon led her from the finance world to the world of luxury department stores and boutiques where, through a leveraged buy out, she became Chairman and shareholder of The Dragon Seed Group.

All the while she was guided and taught by her feng shui masters in Hong Kong and China – and she attributes much of her monumental and quick rise to success in Hong Kong directly to them.

Lillian soon decided to retire from active corporate life and return to Malaysia to raise her beautiful daughter, Jennifer, and spend more time with her family. It was at this time she began to devote her energy to writing and furthering her study of feng shui.

She published her first book in Malaysia in 1995 that quickly became a best seller and the rest is history. Today she is Chairman of Wofs.Com, a feng shui franchise and merchandising company run by her daughter, Jennifer Too.

She trains feng shui students and future consultants at her Certified Consulting Institute in Malaysia and is much loved by her readers, associates and students for the way she teaches practical feng shui in a user-friendly way, using ordinary situations and circumstances that interest people and affect their everyday lives.

In November 2009, at the International Feng Shui Convention in Singapore, the well-deserved title of GRAND MASTER OF FENG SHUI was conferred upon Lillian Too. Immediately following this accolade, in early January 2010, she received the prestigious Brand Laureate Personality of The Year Award presented by the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia! There seems to be no stopping her popularity and these days!

Lillian believes everyone should know her secrets and learn how to adapt feng shui to modern life… and she warmly welcomes you into her Mandala.You can learn more about Lillian by visiting her website at www.lillian-too.com.

Lillian Too Mandala – North American Office
3840 Blackhawk Rd,
Danville, CA 94506
Toll Free Info and Customer Service : 1 866 508 8806
Email: info@lilliantoomandala.com Fax: +1 925 736 6177

Lucky Window Openings

Windows that open outwards are always luckier that windows that slide up and down. Outward opening windows invite good fortune. If your windows slide up and down or side to side then it’s a good idea to frame your window with a darker colored paint. This lets the chi outside know that there is an opening through which it can enter the home. Oh and it’s always a good idea to keep the window open as much as possible…weather permitting of course!


If you feel you may not be capable of a job or situation and self-doubt sets in, you lose all of your staying power and fear takes over. When this happens, you must find the courage to fight your misgivings. Everyone feels afraid at some point – it’s only natural. Acknowledge your fear and believe that you can do whatever you set your mind to accomplish.SaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSave








Thank You

I am away in India at the moment and will write more to you about it when I return next week, but I do want to take a minute today and thank you for your loyalty – for being part of my Mandala, for being a friend, student or just someone who loves the ancient art and practice of feng shui. I am constantly reminded of the power of personal relationships and how important they are and the universe always has a special way of letting me know this!

That’s why I felt compelled today just to write and say “thank you.” Nothing in the world makes me happier than to know I have made a positive difference in your life through our meetings, my writing and teachings, products and my books.

I have a very busy spring and fall ahead of me…and people always ask how am I able to get so much done…like write the new horoscope books for 2018, write other books, teach classes, entertain, continue my own spiritual practices and travel?

I am always able to keep things in perspective because I am in touch with my inner self and the inner dimensions of my spirit, so I don’t often get “off track”. And for many years I have practiced “spiritual feng shui – it really is an important part of the trinity – the space, time and spiritual dimensions. Of course each style can be practiced separately, but it is when they are practiced together that their potency and power increases. That means YOUR personal power and capabilities will also increase!

I’ll be teaching all of this and more in Sedona, Arizona for my Master Class in Spiritual Feng Shui, September 10-15, 2017! Do join me!

As always, I wish you nothing but much happiness and success.


Updating Your Kitchen?
Helpful Hints on Kitchen Layouts

Renovating your kitchen? How can you update without spending a fortune and still maintain good feng shui guidelines? Many of my students have asked about this recently…some want to upgrade and improve the value in order to sell their homes, while others just want to make sure their feng shui is good in this sector.

Although we often think about the kitchen as being useful for pressing down bad luck, it is an important area… sometimes described as the “soul of the house” where the food that nourishes all the residents is cleaned, prepared, cooked and stored. It is also the part of the home that both affects and is influenced by the mother energy of the home. So this area embodies all the important elements that bind members of the household together – love, unity, patience and compassion.

This week I’ve given you some hints on kitchen layouts especially pertaining to stove, sink and refrigerator so if you are renovating hopefully these will be of help to you. Please do keep in mind areas of the home that are not suitable for renovation this year — the South (Wu Wang or Five Yellow), the West (Tai Sui) and the Three Killings ( East ). Digging and renovating in these areas can bring severe bad luck, loss, illness and misfortune and it’s simply not worth the risk. If your kitchen is located in any these sectors wait until a better time to begin your renovation.

General Guidelines

  1. Your kitchen should have sufficient lighting, and be airy and spacious.
  2. Do not energize the kitchen with feng shui figurines or mirrors.
  3. Kitchens should never be located in the middle of the home and they are better positioned nearer the back door than the front door.

Stoves, Sinks & Refrigerators

Keep in mind that two important elements feature in the kitchen: the stove is considered the FIRE element and the sink and refrigerator are considered the WATER element.

  1. Do not place the stove either next to or directly opposite the sink or refrigerator. This is because of the incompatibility of water and fire. The stove should be at least two feet away from the sink.
  2. The mouth of the stove should face one of the best directions of the father or patriarch of the family. * This energizes the stove making the food that is cooked in it auspicious for the family.* Check the kua number of the patriarch/breadwinner of the family to determine his or her best directions. Go to www.wofs.com to learn your kua number.
  3. The kitchen stove should not be in the Northwest sector. This is called “Fire at Heaven’s Gate” and brings bad luck to the breadwinner, causing the head of the household to lose their job and money by the fire. This is because the NW is the corner of your house that represents the father and it also represents the place where heaven energy pours into the home.
  4. The stove should not face the main door or any bedroom door.
  5. The stove should not be directly under an exposed overhead beam.
  1. Stoves should not be placed directly under a toilet on the floor above.
  2. The stove should not directly face a toilet door.
  3. The rice cooker’s knob should not face the main entrance or door. This symbolizes food (and wealth) flowing out of the house.

The kitchen is useful for pressing down “bad luck” caused by certain flying star numbers or personalized directions of bad fortune. According to the Eight Mansions and Flying Star formulas, certain sectors of the house are deemed to be lucky and unlucky. If your kitchen is located in an unlucky sector then this can be a good thing!

Please do ensure that your kitchen enjoys good feng shui…and brings great luck to your entire household.


Spirituality is Mind Power

To be a master practitioner of feng shui, one needs to be knowledgeable about all three dimensions – space dimension, time dimension (flying star feng shui) and the spiritual dimension. When one is missing, the trinity is always incomplete. Although each dimension can be practiced as a separate skill, it is when they are combined together that they create higher levels of potency.

Spiritual feng shui is very real and powerful! It involves understanding the origin of existence and the true nature of your mind. It awakens new levels of awareness and can bring you in contact with the philosopher’s stone, the wish granting jewels, the magical mandalas and much more – all of which can manifest whatever your mind creates to make you happy! You are in charge.

You see, your mind has magical abilities to focus and concentrate, and when meditation, visualization and mental imaging are added it becomes empowered. These mental visualizations must be created with fearlessness, clarity and confidence to bring about the actualization of your wishes. This is when your mind indeed becomes a “wish-fulfilling mind.”

I will be teaching all of this and more at my upcoming 5-Day Spiritual Retreat in Sedona, Arizona, USA Sept 10-15, 2017. You see, the mind is eternal and will continue to exist even when you die. The mind lives through past and future lifetimes. It is mystical, magical and transcendental. It is sacred, not part of this realm, and works from the inner dimensions of the spirit. Your mind is actually part of the cosmic universe and we will explore this and more together during our time in Sedona.

The mind goes beyond current knowledge. You have a vast library of learning stored inside your spirit, and the techniques used to access this reservoir have always been sacred…but they definitely are accessible. You only need to work at transcending your own intellectual understanding to open the doors that keep it locked away. To succeed, you must believe in your own higher self – your own spirituality.

The mind and its methods do not need to be logical in the way scientific methods are. The whole approach towards accessing the inner mind, which has been revealed to us, is definitely not necessarily logical or scientific. Spiritual awareness arises when we know about and believe in the sacred words and rituals that have been practiced for centuries; I will reveal many of these ancient teachings and mantras in Sedona.

I invite you to join me in Sedona. Make the development of your spiritual dimension a priority. Together we will practice and access the cosmic dimension using specific techniques of meditation and visualization in conjunction with sacred mantras at the powerful energy vortexes.

With love,

Grand Master Lillian Too is undoubtedly the world’s most prolific and popular writer and advocate on living with good feng shui! She has written over 100 books that have been translated into 31 different languages, and over 10 million copies of her books have been sold worldwide.

After graduating with an MBA from Harvard Business School, Lillian went on to pursue a highly successful business career in banking and finance in the 1980’s in Hong Kong. Her business acumen, drive and abundant energy soon led her from the finance world to the world of luxury department stores and boutiques where, through a leveraged buy out, she became Chairman and shareholder of The Dragon Seed Group.

All the while she was guided and taught by her feng shui masters in Hong Kong and China – and she attributes much of her monumental and quick rise to success in Hong Kong directly to them.

Lillian soon decided to retire from active corporate life and return to Malaysia to raise her beautiful daughter, Jennifer, and spend more time with her family. It was at this time she began to devote her energy to writing and furthering her study of feng shui.

She published her first book in Malaysia in 1995 that quickly became a best seller and the rest is history. Today she is Chairman of Wofs.Com, a feng shui franchise and merchandising company run by her daughter, Jennifer Too.

She trains feng shui students and future consultants at her Certified Consulting Institute in Malaysia and is much loved by her readers, associates and students for the way she teaches practical feng shui in a user-friendly way, using ordinary situations and circumstances that interest people and affect their everyday lives.

In November 2009, at the International Feng Shui Convention in Singapore, the well-deserved title of GRAND MASTER OF FENG SHUI was conferred upon Lillian Too. Immediately following this accolade, in early January 2010, she received the prestigious Brand Laureate Personality of The Year Award presented by the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia! There seems to be no stopping her popularity and these days!

Lillian believes everyone should know her secrets and learn how to adapt feng shui to modern life… and she warmly welcomes you into her Mandala.

You can learn more about Lillian by visiting her website at www.lillian-too.com.

Lillian Too Mandala – North American Office
3840 Blackhawk Rd,
Danville, CA 94506
Toll Free Info and Customer Service : 1 866 508 8806
Email: info@lilliantoomandala.com Fax: +1 925 736 6177


Orchids are symbols of strength and courage. If you live in a climate where you can grow them outdoors, in your garden, they will bring good healthy chi to your home. And because they are so sturdy and long lasting, they also represent a lengthy stay in your career. If growing outside is not possible, indoor orchids are also available and very lovely.


One of the hardest things to do is to confront our own weaknesses. These can be some of the toughest moments of our lives, but also the most powerful and rewarding in terms of self-discovery and change.





Even scientists agree on this

It’s open now! I’ve just instructed my Mandala office in California to open registration for my upcoming Spiritual Master Class in Sedona, Arizona.

I was in Sedona many years ago and the magic of the place remains very clear in my mind. I have wanted to return and teach in Sedona for a long time, but it was not until recently that the causes and conditions came together to make it happen. This was not by accident! It will be a trip of a lifetime…an experience that will be life changing for those who attend. I’ll be teaching and trekking with you to some of the most powerful “energy spots” on the planet…also known as energy vortexes…and I guarantee you’ll be amazed by the transformations that take place here where cosmic magic abounds! Watch this short video now that explains everything!

If this calls you, then please do join me for five amazing days together in Sedona! You will need to enroll soon.

By now I’m sure most of you have had a look at the March issue of Feng Shui World Magazine. If not, be sure to grab your copy and have a read about the afflicted west wing of the White House and how this is affecting (and weakening) the Trump presidency. You’ll also be interested in my recent trip to London and my feng shui consults there…and wow just so many more great articles that we cram into our monthly publication.

Sending you love,

Your Personal, Powerful and Precious Inner Chi

You can change your life and your lifestyle if you have the deep desire and determination to do so. You can make quantum leaps in all areas of your life…and as impossible as this may sound to some of you who may be suffering at this moment, I promise you it can be done.

We all have amazing abilities and talents within us that we don’t even know that we possess, and the secret to awakening these abilities lies in the power of our minds. If you can train your mind and visualize your ability to do something your inner power will take over…and set the energies of the universe in motion for you…as long as you believe strongly in yourself.

Remaining positive is critical – you must be able to look forward to the future and ahead of where you are right now.

There are particular techniques such as goddess visualizations and forms of meditation that I have personally used throughout my life, which have given me great success and many blessings…blessings of both a material and spiritual nature. And now happily and with gratitude I can share them with you, my friends and students as I take you even further into the Spiritual Dimension of feng shui.

Please do consider joining me in Sedona, Arizona Sept 10-15, 2017 where I’ll introduce and share powerful mantras, meditative and visualization techniques. Lamas and sages have used many of these secret mantras for thousands of years. Together we will experience the powerful energy vortexes of this magical environment. This is a very special event and one that you will hold dear forever…so do try to join me please?

Even if you cannot attend…remember that your spiritual chi is precious and powerful…shake off negativity and create clear, positive images of your dreams and visions in your mind – and you will begin to access your higher self. You will realize that everything you need is already within you.

With love,

Accessing The Magic Of Vortex Energy

Millions of people from all over the world travel every year to Sedona, Arizona to discover and take advantage of the benefits of vortex energy – and you can too when you register for my upcoming class that will take place there September 10-15, 2017!

You may be wondering…. what is vortex energy? There are many opinions about the vortex energy in Sedona – from it being magnetic to electric and electromagnetic but in reality none of these labels are really accurate. A vortex is the spot where energy either leaves or enters the earth’s plane. In Sedona, vortexes have also been labeled either masculine or feminine based on the energy flow at the site – masculine if the energy is leaving the earth and feminine if it is entering. Each has it’s own specific qualities and benefits! At a few vortexes in Sedona you can find both types of energy flows.

While the description above may satisfy some, there is actually another and more profound explanation. According to a well-known expert on vortex energy in Sedona (a scientist and graduate of MIT), these energy flows don’t only exist in our dimension but in many other parallel dimensions – dimensions that are deeper than electricity or magnetism! Imagine such mystical thinking from a scientist…and although you and I already know it, there is comfort in the fact that even scientists now acknowledge that there are the many realms of existence, although they may not specifically refer to them as “spiritual.”

Yes, Sedona is very special. The Native American Indians like the Navajo, Hopi and Yavapar recognize the spiritual wonder of Sedona and its unique healing powers. They knew that spiritual transformation occurred more quickly and easily in Sedona because the access into other realms of existence was quite simple.

I am so very excited to be taking a group of students with me to this magical place! Together we will tap into vortex energies of the deeper dimensions, into other parallel realms using chanting, meditation and visualizations – I will teach you exactly what to do! This is all about YOU and your own power that will be awakened by your meditations and recitations. Living this experience with me in Sedona will enhance and speed up your practice!

This is a spiritual journey and I invite all of you to come with me to Sedona in September; your insights will awaken and you can indeed feel a blissful transcendence into incredible new dimensions of reality. We will spend a magical five days together and by the end you will feel absolutely happier, lighter and more focused than ever before!

I do hope you will join me!


Grand Master Lillian Too is undoubtedly the world’s most prolific and popular writer and advocate on living with good feng shui! She has written over 100 books that have been translated into 31 different languages, and over 10 million copies of her books have been sold worldwide.

After graduating with an MBA from Harvard Business School, Lillian went on to pursue a highly successful business career in banking and finance in the 1980’s in Hong Kong. Her business acumen, drive and abundant energy soon led her from the finance world to the world of luxury department stores and boutiques where, through a leveraged buy out, she became Chairman and shareholder of The Dragon Seed Group.

All the while she was guided and taught by her feng shui masters in Hong Kong and China – and she attributes much of her monumental and quick rise to success in Hong Kong directly to them.

Lillian soon decided to retire from active corporate life and return to Malaysia to raise her beautiful daughter, Jennifer, and spend more time with her family. It was at this time she began to devote her energy to writing and furthering her study of feng shui.

She published her first book in Malaysia in 1995 that quickly became a best seller and the rest is history. Today she is Chairman of Wofs.Com, a feng shui franchise and merchandising company run by her daughter, Jennifer Too.

She trains feng shui students and future consultants at her Certified Consulting Institute in Malaysia and is much loved by her readers, associates and students for the way she teaches practical feng shui in a user-friendly way, using ordinary situations and circumstances that interest people and affect their everyday lives.

In November 2009, at the International Feng Shui Convention in Singapore, the well-deserved title of GRAND MASTER OF FENG SHUI was conferred upon Lillian Too. Immediately following this accolade, in early January 2010, she received the prestigious Brand Laureate Personality of The Year Award presented by the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia! There seems to be no stopping her popularity and these days!

Lillian believes everyone should know her secrets and learn how to adapt feng shui to modern life… and she warmly welcomes you into her Mandala.

You can learn more about Lillian by visiting her website at www.lillian-too.com.

Lillian Too Mandala – North American Office
3840 Blackhawk Rd,
Danville, CA 94506
Toll Free Info and Customer Service : 1 866 508 8806
Email: info@lilliantoomandala.com Fax: +1 925 736 6177

Birds In the Office

In this Year of the Rooster it’s wise to remember the power of the bird as it relates to your office setting. Hang a picture or painting of 100 birds or the glorious Phoenix at the entrance to your office to invite many potential opportunities.

If there is conflict in the office and lots of politicking, place a fierce rooster image on your desk to peck away at these problems!


One of the highest purposes of meditation is to generate kindness and compassion toward all beings. Generate a strong desire to alleviate the suffering of someone else and then take action.






Enter into the Magic and Mystery

The mind is very powerful. Once you engage the mind with conscious intent and know how to tap into its deep recesses you’ll begin to realize and enjoy all the benefits that are rightfully yours! Now sure, sometimes it’s hard to understand how this all happens because our inner consciousness is indeed invisible and you cant see or touch it – which on another level is something we humans like to do – we like to have proof of everything!

Those of you who have attended my Spiritual Extravaganzas know the importance I place on what I call you “inner” feng shui or the Spiritual Dimension. It can do so much for you…as it has done for me personally. Your intuition improves; you are more calm and relaxed (so that you can recognize opportunity and take advantage of only the opportunities that will serve you), you achieve good health and prosperity and of course, the most important thing is how it relates to the development of your own spirituality.

From September 10-15, 2017, I am conducting a SPIRITUAL program in Sedona, Arizona – it will be an exciting experience and one that has never been done before. There will be life-changing experiences for many as we tap into the powerful energies of the ancient vortexes and your spiritual energy blends with the cosmic energies of this sacred land…SIMPLY MAGICAL!

Many years ago I visited Sedona and have always felt the need to return. The timing is now right. I hope the timing is also right for you, as I would love to have you join me on this amazing spiritual adventure!



The Mystical and Magical Energy of Sedona, Arizona

There is really no other place on earth like Sedona, Arizona. Millions of people from around the world find their way to Sedona every year to experience the magical nature of this ancient land of red rock beauty and the mystical and mysterious energy of the Sedona Vortexes. I invite you to join me for an experience of a lifetime here, September 10-15, 2017.

Let me begin by saying that Sedona is a very sacred place. The native Indian tribes of the area never chose to live in Sedona, but rather lived outside the area and only visited for ceremonial purposes and visioning. Perhaps they too saw high “images” carved in and around the red rocks, taking on forms of Indian and Chinese Gods, ancient Buddhas and beautiful goddesses. When they came, they entered Sedona just as one would enter a temple or church, with great respect and in humble awareness of the powerful energy of such a magnificent place…we will do the same.

You will be in awe of the red rock beauty and the breathtaking sky views with the higher elevation adding to visibility of the starry night skies – more stars than you could ever imagine exist! And daybreak and sunset are equally spectacular with stunning sunrises and sunsets! Constellations change throughout the year; we will see Saturn while we are there, and Aries, Pisces and Taurus can also be seen in the fall months. Galaxies, star clusters, giant stars and double stars fill the night sky and the Milky Way with its 200 billion stars will take your breath away.

But even more important is the personal transformation that will take place during your five days with me. Sedona is one of the energy power spots on the planet – the energies are especially pure, strong and brilliant. Your insights will awaken and you will actually feel your own energy blending beautifully as you experience dimensions of cosmic existence that are easily accessed at the vortex sites. We will teach you powerful mantras to chant, take you on trekking meditations, conduct pujas at the vortex sites and show you how to access the uplifting energies of these mysterious vortexes of spinning energy. You’ll learn some very ancient (and secret) methods of accessing your energies and you’ll absorb it all easily…almost as if by osmosis!


YES! I’d love to learn more about Spiritual Life Force Enhancing In Sedona

In the weeks ahead, I will be writing more about this upcoming event and the spiritual wonders of Sedona. If you are interested, I urge you to register soon. Due to the highly interactive nature of this event we must limit the number of attendees, especially for trekking meditation and pujas at the vortexes.

This is a SPIRITUAL program and there are no religious intentions or undertones, save for the overriding power of love and compassion that are the overtones of our motivation, which is to bring peace into our world.

YES! I’d love to learn more about Spiritual Life Force Enhancing In Sedona

Sending great love to you,

You Will Know

Not everyone will read this. A few will skip over it, some will miss it entirely, and some will not be interested. Some will not even understand it! But a few of you, whose affinity with your inner self has somehow ripened, will cause you to read this. You will know if this is right for you.

This September, I will take a small group of people with me to Sedona, Arizona; like-minded and spiritual souls who want to go higher, who want to transcend the dimensions of reality and learn more of the very precious methods and spiritual meditations I will teach. This will be an incredibly exciting experience that has never been done before! In Sedona the air is pure are the dimensions of cosmic existence are comfortable and energies are easily accessed, especially at the mysterious vortex sites.

The blending of cosmic awareness that comes alive will be incredible as we do powerful TARA meditations together. I will introduce you to new spiritual meditative methods, rituals and techniques that open new dimensions of reality for you. You will feel absolutely happier, lighter and more focused than ever before…so eager to practice the mediation and narration skills you will have learned. But perhaps most importantly… during this experience you will come to realize that the expertise you have gained opens doorways to “magic”, psychic manifestations of your own power through your meditations and recitations. You can perform seemingly miraculous things that used to seem extraordinary but will now become quite normal in the context of your new reality. Living this entire experience in Sedona enhances and will speed up the results of your practices!

These magical five days will be capped by enchanting recitations of the TARA and PROTECTOR dharanis and mantras at the actual vortex sites… and we will also “talk” with the Spiritual Guardians of Sedona!

If this spiritual program is of interest to you (and I suspect it is if you are still reading this), then please do reserve your spot with me now. You can get all the details by clicking the link below, including how to get to Sedona Arizona, the hotel information and a full description of the course and all we will be doing together! Please consider seriously before you sign on with me, as this will be a highly Spiritual experience!

With Love

YES! I’d love to learn more about Spiritual Life Force Enhancing In Sedona

Grand Master Lillian Too is undoubtedly the world’s most prolific and popular writer and advocate on living with good feng shui! She has written over 100 books that have been translated into 31 different languages, and over 10 million copies of her books have been sold worldwide.

After graduating with an MBA from Harvard Business School, Lillian went on to pursue a highly successful business career in banking and finance in the 1980’s in Hong Kong. Her business acumen, drive and abundant energy soon led her from the finance world to the world of luxury department stores and boutiques where, through a leveraged buy out, she became Chairman and shareholder of The Dragon Seed Group.

All the while she was guided and taught by her feng shui masters in Hong Kong and China – and she attributes much of her monumental and quick rise to success in Hong Kong directly to them.

Lillian soon decided to retire from active corporate life and return to Malaysia to raise her beautiful daughter, Jennifer, and spend more time with her family. It was at this time she began to devote her energy to writing and furthering her study of feng shui.

She published her first book in Malaysia in 1995 that quickly became a best seller and the rest is history. Today she is Chairman of Wofs.Com, a feng shui franchise and merchandising company run by her daughter, Jennifer Too.

She trains feng shui students and future consultants at her Certified Consulting Institute in Malaysia and is much loved by her readers, associates and students for the way she teaches practical feng shui in a user-friendly way, using ordinary situations and circumstances that interest people and affect their everyday lives.

In November 2009, at the International Feng Shui Convention in Singapore, the well-deserved title of GRAND MASTER OF FENG SHUI was conferred upon Lillian Too. Immediately following this accolade, in early January 2010, she received the prestigious Brand Laureate Personality of The Year Award presented by the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia! There seems to be no stopping her popularity and these days!

Lillian believes everyone should know her secrets and learn how to adapt feng shui to modern life… and she warmly welcomes you into her Mandala.

You can learn more about Lillian by visiting her website at www.lillian-too.com.

Lillian Too Mandala – North American Office
3840 Blackhawk Rd,
Danville, CA 94506
Toll Free Info and Customer Service : 1 866 508 8806
Email: info@lilliantoomandala.com Fax: +1 925 736 6177

North Sector Feng Shui Reminder

When you activate your North corner properly with good feng shui it enhances career success. An aquarium or small water feature, or a painting of water in the north sector, are all good feng shui enhancers. Be sure you do not hang a painting of a waterfall behind your back as this will cause water to harm you.

You Are Already Very Lucky

Consider for a moment how lucky you really are — to be alive, to be able to make choices and design your own life and destiny. When you understand that you are already very lucky, then you will begin to attract more luck. Use your mind and recognize the power of your thoughts.

No problem

Sometimes, when you just focus on one particular aspect of your feng shui, you may miss out on something that is equally important. Well this actually happens a lot, which is why I continually remind my students and readers about the importance of balance – and particularly with regard to the yin and yang aspects and the 5 elements.

Feng shui is about keeping the five elements of water, wood, fire, earth and metal nicely balanced with no element being either too strong or too weak – or missing altogether. The presence of water, bright lights and plants in the home for example is what keeps the 5 elements in good balance.

Think now for a minute about your own home, office space or apartment – the positioning and style of your furnishings, the color of the walls, where your plants are located, your artwork and décor. As long as the five elements are present, and you have taken yin and yang into account, the auspicious energy of the home or office environment will be secure. It is this that helps to maintain financial stability for the family and for good fortune to continually manifest.

And naturally we must maintain our inner balance as well! Be sure to read my Living In Sync article this week about rejuvenating your chi!

Wishing you much luck and success always,

Rejuvenate Your Chi!
Go to Sleep Before the Rat Hour


Everyone wants to look younger and more beautiful these days!  All you have to do is look at the cosmetic counters filled with anti-aging creams and lotions…and the myriad of other products on the market today associated with the secrets of keeping a youthful and vibrant appearance.

But did you know that our cells are naturally rejuvenated between the hours of 11pm and 1am each night…and if you’re not sleeping during these crucial hours then you’re missing out on the rejuvenating process for that night?

Maybe there’s more to the old expression of “getting your beauty sleep” than we realize.  According to Ayurvedic doctors, if you’re a “night owl” and regularly go to bed after 1am every night, there is a real danger your cells may not be rejuvenating quickly enough, leading to premature aging.  Exactly what everyone is trying to avoid!

If you want to stay youthful and strong…make sure you go to bed before the hour of the RAT!  And what’s even better is you will automatically begin to rise earlier each day…allowing you to watch sunrise and experience one of the most beautiful times of the day.  The Chinese believe that every time your body absorbs the chi of sunrise it becomes that much stronger.

Positioning Your Bed

The ideal position for your bed is aligned to a wall diagonally opposite the door. You should position your bed such that your head is pointed toward your best direction (your success direction) according to your kua number.

For those of you that don’t know your kua number or best directions you can get this information immediately by going to www.wofs.com and entering the data required in the kua number calculator section. This will also reveal your four good and four bad directions.

Then make sure that your head is pointed toward your success direction, but if this is not possible then try at least to have it point towards one of your other good directions.

So, be sure your bed is positioned correctly, get to bed by 11 pm and don’t miss out on your beauty sleep!

All the Best,

Empowering Your Mala Beads

Buddhist mala beads are usually comprised of 108 beads that are strung together and used for chanting mantras, much like a rosary is used. So if you are asked to chant a certain mantra, it means that you chant it 108 times.

The selection of mala beads is a very personal experience – they can be made of any kind of precious or semi-precious stones. It’s nice if you have one made of semi-precious stones since it is like offering jewels to the Buddha each time you recite your mantras. Once you decide on a mala be sure to empower it with a blessing mantra such as the following:



(Repeat 7 times and then blow over your mala beads)

It is also auspicious to attach the dorje and bell to your mala, or blessing threads given to you by high lamas as well as any one of the eight auspicious objects – the mystic knot, the vase, the double fish, the banner of victory, the wheel, the lotus, the parasol and the right turning conch shell.

Mala beads are sacred items. Always keep your mala in a pouch or wear it on your wrist and carry it with you wherever you go – especially if you are travelling. You may also perform periodic energy cleansing by using a metal/crystal singing bowl or, by dipping your mala beads in the sun-water and drying them quickly.

Chanting mantras is one of the most powerful ways to purify negative karma that brings misfortune so this is a very effective way to stay protected. Remember however that without recitations of mantras that empower it, your mala is just a string of beads, and it is your motivation that makes your mala unique to you.

If you are looking for a mala with special significance and beauty, I invite you to visit our collection of gorgeously designed mala beads at www.wofs.com and go to the dharma shop!



Grand Master Lillian Too is undoubtedly the world’s most prolific and popular writer and advocate on living with good feng shui! She has written over 100 books that have been translated into 31 different languages, and over 10 million copies of her books have been sold worldwide.

After graduating with an MBA from Harvard Business School, Lillian went on to pursue a highly successful business career in banking and finance in the 1980’s in Hong Kong. Her business acumen, drive and abundant energy soon led her from the finance world to the world of luxury department stores and boutiques where, through a leveraged buy out, she became Chairman and shareholder of The Dragon Seed Group.

All the while she was guided and taught by her feng shui masters in Hong Kong and China – and she attributes much of her monumental and quick rise to success in Hong Kong directly to them.

Lillian soon decided to retire from active corporate life and return to Malaysia to raise her beautiful daughter, Jennifer, and spend more time with her family. It was at this time she began to devote her energy to writing and furthering her study of feng shui.

She published her first book in Malaysia in 1995 that quickly became a best seller and the rest is history. Today she is Chairman of Wofs.Com, a feng shui franchise and merchandising company run by her daughter, Jennifer Too.

She trains feng shui students and future consultants at her Certified Consulting Institute in Malaysia and is much loved by her readers, associates and students for the way she teaches practical feng shui in a user-friendly way, using ordinary situations and circumstances that interest people and affect their everyday lives.

In November 2009, at the International Feng Shui Convention in Singapore, the well-deserved title of GRAND MASTER OF FENG SHUI was conferred upon Lillian Too. Immediately following this accolade, in early January 2010, she received the prestigious Brand Laureate Personality of The Year Award presented by the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia! There seems to be no stopping her popularity and these days!

Lillian believes everyone should know her secrets and learn how to adapt feng shui to modern life… and she warmly welcomes you into her Mandala.

You can learn more about Lillian by visiting her website at www.lillian-too.com.

Lillian Too Mandala – North American Office
3840 Blackhawk Rd,
Danville, CA 94506
Toll Free Info and Customer Service : 1 866 508 8806
Email: info@lilliantoomandala.com Fax: +1 925 736 6177

Quick Tip For Cash Luck

Need some cash? Place a small amount of sea salt or rock salt inside your wallet. This will attract cash luck. Sea salt is a great cleanser, but it also has the capacity to attract wealth. Sew several grains of sea salt into a small pouch in your wallet and watch what happens. You will not only attract cash into your wallet, but this also ensures that too much money doesn’t leave your wallet as well!

Allow Your Higher Self To Emerge

Meditation is an exercise in mental clarity. You can meditate any time – while sitting, walking or eating to name a few. When you think about something seriously you are doing contemplative and analytical meditation. The more you meditate, the easier it becomes for your higher self to emerge.










Discover the secrets

ltpic13I teach a lot about balance and if you’ve read any of my books or articles in Feng Shui World Magazine, you know how much importance I place on it. This applies not only to feng shui placements in your home, but to your inner feng shui as well.

According to the Chinese, everything in the universe is yin or yang, female or masculine, dark or light, cold or hot… and one cannot exist without the other. So if you don’t have the yin energy of darkness for example, you cannot know the yang of light. Too much of either yin or yang energy doesn’t work either. Think for a minute about your home – are any of the rooms too yin? Are they too dark, damp, too quiet or too cold? When this happens there is insufficient life energy to bring prosperity. Alternatively, when a room is very yang in nature, accidents can happen because there is too much energy. But when there is balance between the yin and yang, there is generally prosperity, health and happiness.

This also applies to your inner feng shui as well. When your body is out of alignment and your chi is diminished everything is affected. That’s why it’s so important to think about the food you are eating and daily exercise. Think about keeping your body in balance as well as your home as you practice feng shui. Remember that yin and yang are opposite energies that complement each other so strive for a harmonious blend in your home, garden and your body!

To your success!

3 Easy Ways To Recharge & Replenish Your Inner Chi

Chi, your energy or life force, is a dynamic vibration that circulates continually through the body. Your breathing, sleeping, talking, eating and even your ability to think and to communicate all come from this vibration. It literally drives your internal engine.

So think of your body as a pure vibration of energy. The level and quality of the energy flow of chi inside your body is always in a state of flux – a state of change that we must carefully monitor and attend to.

For example, when there is an excessive energy loss, our body becomes weak. We feel drained, tired and worn out. We are more vulnerable to disease and illness because our internal energy is low — or blocked and stagnant. When this happens it is important to do something to revive the vibrancy of your life force. Here are 3 ways to do this:

ltladysleeping41) Get Plenty Of Sleep — this is the first and foremost way to replenish your chi. Think of your body as a battery that is being recharged. As you sleep, all the meridian points of your body receive energy from the universe. You know yourself how much better and refreshed you feel and how much more energy you have after a good night’s sleep. When you fail to get enough sleep, these vital points cannot be recharged and internal blocks begin to form — the body can become seriously weakened.


2) Eat the Right Foods & Drink Water — when you eat the right foods and drink plenty of water, your body is able to rid itself of the toxins — and you will automatically improve your energy intake. The quality of the flow of chi inside of you depends on the flow of oxygen and the removal of toxins — and both use the circulation of the bloodstream within the boy to accomplish these goals. When circulation is impeded, your body becomes overwhelmed. Organs can be damaged and tension and depression may set in as your life force slows down.

3) Meditate and Breathe! — Many special exercises, breathing techniques and meditation are also effective methods toltpeopledoingtaichi dissolve blocks in the flow of chi and to improve the efficiency of your internal organs. Consider doing tai chi, yoga and pranayama breathing exercises. Learn more about these and begin to take part in the maintenance of your own life force.

When your chi vibration is balanced, your organs and internal circulation are in harmony and the quality of your life force improves greatly.

To your health!

Cosmic & Local Spirits – A Source of Magic?

Spiritual feng shui not only channels abundance from the cosmic universe, it also shows you how to live alongside your local spirits and more importantly, to win their cooperation. The local spirits can be your allies or your adversaries.”

Did you know that your local spirits are indeed a source of magic and they can intercede on your behalf to the Earth spirits to bring you good health and great success? Whenever anyone in the home falls ill, it is usually due to ill winds brought by passing spirits. Your local spirits are the guardians of your home, so treat them like your cosmic landlords.

Please do note that there are thousands of different kinds of spirit beings, some more powerful than others. There are earth spirits, air spirits, water spirits, tree and plant spirits, as well as spirits of the nether regions below the earth and spirits of the skies high above.

ltincenseburner5When your local landlords are watching over you, wandering spirits have no chance to cause mischief. Similarly, they also have little chance to cause obstacles to your success. They cannot block your success. And needless to say, should others try to cast their black magic or evil spells on you, your local spirits will easily divert these back to where they came from.

So, it makes good sense to “nurture” the spirits of your space and your local landlords – it is such an amazingly beneficial thing to do and there are several ways to appease them and achieve their help and cooperation. Connecting with these powerful beings requires making offerings of incense, food, water, pleasant music, fragrant aromas and even fruit and flowers to show your respect and request their blessings.

Appeasing the local spirits of your space need not compromise any of your religious principles. Think of these spirits as beings from parallel realms who will benefit from your compassion and generosity. You do not need to pray to them but what you can do is say prayers for them. They will appreciate this very much indeed!


ltpic14Grand Master Lillian Too is undoubtedly the world’s most prolific and popular writer and advocate on living with good feng shui! She has written over 100 books that have been translated into 31 different languages, and over 10 million copies of her books have been sold worldwide.

After graduating with an MBA from Harvard Business School, Lillian went on to pursue a highly successful business career in banking and finance in the 1980’s in Hong Kong. Her business acumen, drive and abundant energy soon led her from the finance world to the world of luxury department stores and boutiques where, through a leveraged buy out, she became Chairman and shareholder of The Dragon Seed Group.

All the while she was guided and taught by her feng shui masters in Hong Kong and China – and she attributes much of her monumental and quick rise to success in Hong Kong directly to them.

Lillian soon decided to retire from active corporate life and return to Malaysia to raise her beautiful daughter, Jennifer, and spend more time with her family. It was at this time she began to devote her energy to writing and furthering her study of feng shui.

She published her first book in Malaysia in 1995 that quickly became a best seller and the rest is history. Today she is Chairman of Wofs.Com, a feng shui franchise and merchandising company run by her daughter, Jennifer Too.

She trains feng shui students and future consultants at her Certified Consulting Institute in Malaysia and is much loved by her readers, associates and students for the way she teaches practical feng shui in a user-friendly way, using ordinary situations and circumstances that interest people and affect their everyday lives.

In November 2009, at the International Feng Shui Convention in Singapore, the well-deserved title of GRAND MASTER OF FENG SHUI was conferred upon Lillian Too. Immediately following this accolade, in early January 2010, she received the prestigious Brand Laureate Personality of The Year Award presented by the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia! There seems to be no stopping her popularity and these days!

Lillian believes everyone should know her secrets and learn how to adapt feng shui to modern life… and she warmly welcomes you into her Mandala.

You can learn more about Lillian by visiting her website at www.lillian-too.com.

Lillian Too Mandala – North American Office
3840 Blackhawk Rd,
Danville, CA 94506
Toll Free Info and Customer Service : 1 866 508 8806
Email: info@lilliantoomandala.com Fax: +1 925 736 6177

Garden Feng Shui Tip

ltdeadplantsThe feng shui rule of clearing obstruction and allowing chi to flow freely applies not only to how furniture is placed in your home, but to your garden as well. Cut down any rotting or sick trees in your garden to avoid the old and decaying energy to pass to residents of the household. And this old energy may cause yin spirit formation, which can cause sickness to hit as well. Dead or wilting plants or flowers should be trimmed and pruned regularly as well.


It’s Okay to Change Your Mind!

You can always change your mind. You may have taken a new job that isn’t working, or moved into an apartment that is not really what you wanted but you were pressed for time. You may have entered into a relationship and now find that the person isn’t exactly who you thought he or she was! You can always change your mind… but never compromise your values.










Such as simple correction…

ltpic13One of the cardinal rules of good feng shui is to make sure the chi flows smoothly and to keep it moving in a nice, slow, meandering way through your home and office. This cannot happen if there is too much furniture for example, or the arrangement of it impedes the flow of energy. Or, you may have unknowingly allowed clutter to build up in the hallway and entryway…thanks to your kids dropping their backpacks, or shoes being removed and left in a scattered pile…I think you know what I mean.

My point today is to be aware…open your feng shui eyes and look around you. More often than not, if you are experiencing some bad luck or your projects are getting blocked and ideas rejected…or you are “stuck” not knowing which way to go – all may be due to the fact that the chi cannot move or flow freely in your home and/or office. Take a look around today and find the points of blockage that may exist and correct them. It should not take too long and I think you’ll be surprised at what you find. And you’ll also be happily surprised at what happens when you make the corrections.

Don’t be lazy in life. Don’t be lazy about your exercising, your work and your commitments to friends and family. Don’t be a complainer. There are so many opportunities available in this year of the Fire Rooster for those who make the effort to find and take advantage of them. Will you be one of them?

To your success!

Activating & Empowering Your Water Feature

It’s well known that one of the best ways to create wealth luck is to locate the Water Star 8 in your home and build or place a water feature there. This is based on the flying star charts and depends on the period in which your home was build. Your water feature can be inside or outside depending on your living circumstances – so you may opt for a small pond or waterfall outside if you own a home, or a smaller water fountain inside if you are renting an apartment or condominium.

Also note that you can activate the water star 8 corner in your living room or family/dining rooms by placing a small water feature here. When you activate the water star 8 for the whole house you are activating the big Tai Chi of the house, and if in individual rooms you are activating the small Tai Chi. Both will work!

Once you have located your wealth star and installed your water feature you must activate it. Here are a few ways to ensure that your water feature is empowered so that the wealth can start to flow in.


ltdragonfountain2DRAGONS love water
Be sure to get a lovely image of a dragon and place it near or in the water feature. Dragons love to be close to water and when placed nearby they help transform the water into a powerful wealth luck symbol.

Don’t Forget Light
You can boost the yang energy of your water feature by placing a light nearby and turning it on at least 3-4 hours a day. If your water feature is outside, hopefully you have arranged to have light shining on it, but natural sunshine works very well too.

Don’t Forget Light
You can boost the yang energy of your water feature by placing a light nearby and turning it on at least 3-4 hours a day. If your water feature is outside, hopefully you have arranged to have light shining on it, but natural sunshine works very well too.


ltfishinpondPlants and Fish

Adding plants or fish to your feature brings in living energy. When there is no “life” in the water it can become yin and wont help much with your wealth luck. Choose healthy auspicious fish like goldfish and make sure the water is suited to them and kept very clean. Remove any water plants that are not healthy immediately.


lt8immortalsThe Power of the 8 Celestial Beings

The legendary Eight Immortals are reputed to be special celestial beings that have gained immortality. Each of these immortals is associated with the gift of good luck empowerments and having their images in your home invokes the good fortune energies associated with the Period of 8.

So having them in your home during the current period of 8 (which lasts until Feb 4, 2024, is also an excellent way for you to activate the power of 8. Their presence in the home is believed to activate the talismans that they each hold and these are said to be their source of great power!


To your success!

ltpic14Grand Master Lillian Too is undoubtedly the world’s most prolific and popular writer and advocate on living with good feng shui! She has written over 100 books that have been translated into 31 different languages, and over 10 million copies of her books have been sold worldwide.

After graduating with an MBA from Harvard Business School, Lillian went on to pursue a highly successful business career in banking and finance in the 1980’s in Hong Kong. Her business acumen, drive and abundant energy soon led her from the finance world to the world of luxury department stores and boutiques where, through a leveraged buy out, she became Chairman and shareholder of The Dragon Seed Group.

All the while she was guided and taught by her feng shui masters in Hong Kong and China – and she attributes much of her monumental and quick rise to success in Hong Kong directly to them.

Lillian soon decided to retire from active corporate life and return to Malaysia to raise her beautiful daughter, Jennifer, and spend more time with her family. It was at this time she began to devote her energy to writing and furthering her study of feng shui.

She published her first book in Malaysia in 1995 that quickly became a best seller and the rest is history. Today she is Chairman of Wofs.Com, a feng shui franchise and merchandising company run by her daughter, Jennifer Too.

She trains feng shui students and future consultants at her Certified Consulting Institute in Malaysia and is much loved by her readers, associates and students for the way she teaches practical feng shui in a user-friendly way, using ordinary situations and circumstances that interest people and affect their everyday lives.

In November 2009, at the International Feng Shui Convention in Singapore, the well-deserved title of GRAND MASTER OF FENG SHUI was conferred upon Lillian Too. Immediately following this accolade, in early January 2010, she received the prestigious Brand Laureate Personality of The Year Award presented by the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia! There seems to be no stopping her popularity and these days!

Lillian believes everyone should know her secrets and learn how to adapt feng shui to modern life… and she warmly welcomes you into her Mandala.

You can learn more about Lillian by visiting her website at www.lillian-too.com.

Lillian Too Mandala – North American Office
3840 Blackhawk Rd,
Danville, CA 94506
Toll Free Info and Customer Service : 1 866 508 8806
Email: info@lilliantoomandala.com Fax: +1 925 736 6177

Get A Foot Massageltfootmassage

Dissolve internal blocks with a good foot massage. You can find foot reflexology services just about anywhere today that offer this affordable therapy! As your feet are rubbed and massaged, your internal passages are cleared of obstacles and blockages and the chi can flow freely again. Enjoy this ancient art as you feel your aches and pains melt away!!



lthappylady4You Can Always Just Pretend

To attract career success and good fortune, begin by believing that you are the best at whatever you do. Develop an attitude of confidence and your inner consciousness will manifest abilities within you that you never knew existed! If you have trouble believing that you are the best in your field then just pretend. Your subconscious mind will not differentiate. Start today to ACT with confidence and never doubt that you are number one! You will be happily surprised at the results of your efforts.






Instant Energy Boost

ltpic13It was Valentines Day yesterday and I hope you celebrated with someone special! This year brings great chances for romance for almost all of the 12 animal signs…so if yesterday found you alone and still looking for that man or woman of your dreams…don’t worry! In this week’s ezine I’ve given you some tried and true feng shui ways to speed up the process.

And please be sure to get a copy of the February issue of Feng Shui World Magazine – this is our “Love Special” and it’s filled with lots of special tips on finding and keeping LOVE! There are plenty of wonderful love energizers like the flirtatious swan ring and the love birds necklace. We’ve also included hints on how to spice up your romance using the energy of Red Tara and what to do to keep the romance alive in your marriage! Remember that the number 7 star has flown into the Southwest this year and it’s wise to protect your relationship with powerful energizers…so be sure to order your Feng Shui World magazine today.

Watch for exciting news in the next few weeks about my upcoming event in Sedona Arizona, September 10-15, 2017…an incredibly exciting experience that has never been done before. Registration will be limited so be sure to watch your emails – you won’t want to miss this spiritual adventure with me.


All You Need Is Love

loving coupleSo much of our happiness in life depends on the relationships we share with others and especially that one important relationship – between our partners and us. And of course some of us are single and want to get married…and find that right someone to share our lives with! No matter what…we all want to give and receive love.

From a feng shui perspective if you’re looking for love, the first thing to take care of is your front door – it must not have bad feng shui. Nothing should be blocking it and no poison arrows should be hitting the door. If you have a little open space in front for the chi to accumulate, even better!

Inside the house make sure the Southwest corner of the house is not missing – if it is missing then happiness is also missing. The Southwest is the corner for love and it’s needed for romance, family, marriage and family harmony! Keep it well lit and airy, with lots of nice flowing chi, and you can put a double happiness symbol here if you’re anxious for marriage.

The good news is that there is plenty of love energy circulating in 2017 with the appearance in the chart of the Star of Peach Blossom. It brings good luck for those actively looking for a new relationship and what you need to do is energize your personal peach blossom luck because, no kidding, it is seriously potent and powerful.

Each animal sign has it’s own peach blossom animal. So for example if you are born in the years of the snake, ox or rooster then your peach blossom animal is the horse and you put a lot of horses in the south of your living room. If you are a dragon, rat or monkey your peach blossom animal is the rooster – you place a rooster in the west. If you are a rabbit, boar or sheep your peach blossom animal is the rat (place in the north) and finally if you are a tiger, dog or horse your peach blossom animal is the rabbit (place in the east).

But here’s the secret – if you want to attract a fabulous partner make sure the images you choose are beautiful and bejeweled. Don’t buy some cheap image off the street if you want your mate to be wonderful. This year, we have created 4 such gorgeous peach blossom animals:

The Rabbit by the Wedding CakeThe Red Horse studded with Jewels, The Yellow Rooster with Love Peonies, The Blue Rat on the Wedding Sedan, and The Rabbit by the Wedding Cake.

Once you have your peach blossom animal in the correct location, then activate and energize it by shining a bright light or playing some music around it every day!

Let me tell you that this works. It can bring you a spouse or partner but it cannot guarantee how good your relationship or marriage will be. That’s up to you. However I do suggest that you check your astrology book this year and find who you are most compatible with – what sign will best match with yours. Try looking for someone who is an ally or secret friend or your special soul mate! You’ll find it all in the annual Fortune and Feng Shui Astrology Books.

Keeping Healthy and Safe This Year

This year the illness 2 star has flown into the sector of the Patriarch (NW). You may have noticed that when there is a flu virus or when serious illness strikes someone in your family it hits the younger children and older people first. This is because they are more susceptible to energy change and they need to be protected.

Since the illness star (2) is an earthstar, we know that using metallic energy will weaken its strength and power. Using a singing bowl is a very effective way to bring the sound of metal into this area. The resonance created will absorb and help dissipate the sickness chi. Walk around the room 3 times in a clockwise direction as you strike the singing bowl or rub the edges with a wooden or metal mallet. As you do this you will feel the room get lighter as the 2 star weakens. This clears the space and is an excellent short-term cure.

ltmetalsoundbowlIf someone is ill you can paint the walls white, as this is the color of metal and will help control the illness star, and do remember to remove or dim any bright lights in this sector as fire energy fuels the earth star.

However, one must never underestimate the power of this star and it is wise to put the appropriate long-term feng shui cures in place especially if your bedroom or main door is located in the Northwest. This year we recommend a wonderful and powerful cure – Compassionate Goddess With Powerful Garuda to be placed in this sector. The Garuda is also extremely effective in keeping illness and disease under control.

To your health!

ltpic14Grand Master Lillian Too is undoubtedly the world’s most prolific and popular writer and advocate on living with good feng shui! She has written over 100 books that have been translated into 31 different languages, and over 10 million copies of her books have been sold worldwide.

After graduating with an MBA from Harvard Business School, Lillian went on to pursue a highly successful business career in banking and finance in the 1980’s in Hong Kong. Her business acumen, drive and abundant energy soon led her from the finance world to the world of luxury department stores and boutiques where, through a leveraged buy out, she became Chairman and shareholder of The Dragon Seed Group.

All the while she was guided and taught by her feng shui masters in Hong Kong and China – and she attributes much of her monumental and quick rise to success in Hong Kong directly to them.

Lillian soon decided to retire from active corporate life and return to Malaysia to raise her beautiful daughter, Jennifer, and spend more time with her family. It was at this time she began to devote her energy to writing and furthering her study of feng shui.

She published her first book in Malaysia in 1995 that quickly became a best seller and the rest is history. Today she is Chairman of Wofs.Com, a feng shui franchise and merchandising company run by her daughter, Jennifer Too.

She trains feng shui students and future consultants at her Certified Consulting Institute in Malaysia and is much loved by her readers, associates and students for the way she teaches practical feng shui in a user-friendly way, using ordinary situations and circumstances that interest people and affect their everyday lives.

In November 2009, at the International Feng Shui Convention in Singapore, the well-deserved title of GRAND MASTER OF FENG SHUI was conferred upon Lillian Too. Immediately following this accolade, in early January 2010, she received the prestigious Brand Laureate Personality of The Year Award presented by the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia! There seems to be no stopping her popularity and these days!

Lillian believes everyone should know her secrets and learn how to adapt feng shui to modern life… and she warmly welcomes you into her Mandala.

You can learn more about Lillian by visiting her website at www.lillian-too.com.

Lillian Too Mandala – North American Office
3840 Blackhawk Rd,
Danville, CA 94506
Toll Free Info and Customer Service : 1 866 508 8806
Email: info@lilliantoomandala.com Fax: +1 925 736 6177


Instant Energy Boost

ltladyrearramgingfurnitureI always recommend that you move your furniture around and rearrange things at least once every year. This not only keeps the energy moving but also allows you to clean and get rid of dust and dead insects that your broom or mop was unable to reach with everyday cleaning. You will notice that the energy is immediately uplifted and you feel better. You may discover that by rearranging the furniture, you create more open space for the chi to move freely which is always important. If you didn’t get to this before Chinese New Year then I suggest you do it now.

Super quick easy solution for

ltpic13I hope you all had a nice break over Chinese New Year! I enjoyed a little time off on a glorious ski vacation with my family in Vail, Colorado. I love the peace and power of the mountains…it strengthens and renews me and keeps my heart young! My daughter Jennifer and her two boys are wonderful skiers and Chris loves to snowboard. More than anything we just love being together, getting outdoors everyday and sharing precious time together!

Now it’s back to serious work and looking ahead to 2018! Believe it or not we are already at work on the animal horoscope books for next year. There is so much research that goes into these little gems and if you took the time (I hope you did) to thoroughly study your animal sign book this year then you know what I mean.

In these books you’ll find a great section on the luck of your animal sign including your element luck, 24 mountains stars and of course we analyze the year’s Paht Chee chart. I’ll show you how to maximize your luck and make the most of the rooster year. This year I’ve included a chapter on the special stars of 2017 (not always found in the charts every year) and how to handle the flying stars for 2017. Many readers love the compatibility section to see if they are suited to their current partner…and finally there’s the month-by-month luck for 2017 with special tips for work and career, business, love and education! I guess that’s why these books sell out so quickly each year – so many people have come to depend on them.

Here’s to a wonderful week ahead.


Appeasing the Tai Sui in 2017

The Chinese call him “Tai Sui” – he is the God of the Year and this year it is General Yang Xian. His location follows the path of the planet Jupiter hence we call his star the Grand Duke Jupiter – and it is always located in the direction of the animal sign that rules the year. In 2017 the year of the Rooster, the Grand Duke occupies the Rooster’s location of WEST 262.5-278.5 (W-2 is 15 degrees).

Since his location changes annually, it is important for feng shui practitioners to note its direction and make sure that you do not confront the Tai Sui during the year. Facing the Tai Sui brings misfortune and obstacles – so you should not sign a contract, make an important presentation or negotiate facing West this year. In fact, no one should face him directly when sitting, working, eating or watching TV! Trust me, the Grand Duke can cause havoc and you will feel the impact.

Usually the animal sign that is opposite the Tai Sui’s location is thought to be clashing with him bringing unfortunate luck to those born under that sign. In 2017 it is the RABBIT that is directly opposite the Tai Sui and all of the rabbit sign should try to appease him. The Horse and Rat are also affected.

Ways to Appease the Tai Sui
Picture of Tai Sui Plaque for 2017While certain animal signs, especially the RABBIT must take precautions; everyone needs the Tai Sui on their side to boost your luck and especially this year with all the competitive pressures. Therefore the Tai Sui Plaque for 2017 is an excellent cure and it can be placed in the West 2 direction of your home and office. We produce these plaques each year with special Taoist invocations and a picture of the Tai Sui.


lttaisuiamulet2017You can also use a pi yao (also known as pi xie) and place facing the direction of the Tai Sui. This is believed to be very effective in ensuring he is not offended. An it’s a good idea to have one of these auspicious creatures in your home anyway so you are sure not to offend. There are many different styles and postures so choose one that you like.

Finally, each year we produce a handy Tai Sui Amulet, which carries the image of the Tai Sui this year and once you carry this you are under his protection…and can also help to attract wealth.

Refrain from doing construction or any renovations and keep the noise down in the West this year. If you are in the West group and even if this is your best sheng chi direction you should not face WEST this year. Be sure to keep this in mind when eating, sleeping etc. so that you do not inadvertently bring misfortune.

Live In A New State of Awareness Today

When you practice spiritual feng shui you become more sensitive to your environment and surroundings since you are living in a new state of “awareness.” Things that were normal in the past may take on new meaning and you will begin to look for signs from the cosmos. It seems like everything is sending you a message from the clouds to the birds and even changes in the weather.

ltfishswimmingYou may also notice that your hearing is significantly sharper and your eyesight keener. You begin to “feel” and notice things in your home, office and outside that are both wonderful and sometimes not quite right – it’s amazing!

If you see beautiful birds flying or fish swimming, it almost always signifies good things! Fish of course ltbirdsflying5mean abundance and birds are messengers from the gods. And if you find yourself surrounded by successful and accomplished people, be grateful to be in their company, soak up their knowledge and expertise.

You may also pick up on negative signs…like a black cat crossing your path or someone picking a fight with you first thing in the morning. Being around negative people who always complain and talk of difficulty is not good. It’s also not beneficial to discuss death or a serious illness first thing in the morning.

lthandsclapping3When you experience negative signs you must do something instantly to dissolve the misfortune energy you have encountered. Symbolically, to “stop” the negative energy you can wave your hand or even better, clap three times. It’s a very simple thing to do and extremely effective. You can also offer incense immediately to the cosmic spirits around you house (if you happen to be at home) and also use the clapping exercise.

When you begin to tune into your spiritual energy don’t be surprised at what you see and hear, because it is your inner spirit that is in charge. No need to talk about things or share your experiences with others who may not yet understand or be on a similar spiritual path. Remain silent and share your thoughts only when you feel comfortable doing so.

The energies of the year of the Fire Rooster are extremely favorable in terms of business and other opportunities. It is important to live in a state of greater awareness so that new opportunities don’t pass you by. Practicing spiritual feng shui can and will change your life. Living in a state of awareness is just the beginning.


ltpic14Grand Master Lillian Too is undoubtedly the world’s most prolific and popular writer and advocate on living with good feng shui! She has written over 100 books that have been translated into 31 different languages, and over 10 million copies of her books have been sold worldwide.

After graduating with an MBA from Harvard Business School, Lillian went on to pursue a highly successful business career in banking and finance in the 1980’s in Hong Kong. Her business acumen, drive and abundant energy soon led her from the finance world to the world of luxury department stores and boutiques where, through a leveraged buy out, she became Chairman and shareholder of The Dragon Seed Group.

All the while she was guided and taught by her feng shui masters in Hong Kong and China – and she attributes much of her monumental and quick rise to success in Hong Kong directly to them.

Lillian soon decided to retire from active corporate life and return to Malaysia to raise her beautiful daughter, Jennifer, and spend more time with her family. It was at this time she began to devote her energy to writing and furthering her study of feng shui.

She published her first book in Malaysia in 1995 that quickly became a best seller and the rest is history. Today she is Chairman of Wofs.Com, a feng shui franchise and merchandising company run by her daughter, Jennifer Too.

She trains feng shui students and future consultants at her Certified Consulting Institute in Malaysia and is much loved by her readers, associates and students for the way she teaches practical feng shui in a user-friendly way, using ordinary situations and circumstances that interest people and affect their everyday lives.

In November 2009, at the International Feng Shui Convention in Singapore, the well-deserved title of GRAND MASTER OF FENG SHUI was conferred upon Lillian Too. Immediately following this accolade, in early January 2010, she received the prestigious Brand Laureate Personality of The Year Award presented by the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia! There seems to be no stopping her popularity and these days!

Lillian believes everyone should know her secrets and learn how to adapt feng shui to modern life… and she warmly welcomes you into her Mandala.

You can learn more about Lillian by visiting her website at www.lillian-too.com.

Lillian Too Mandala – North American Office
3840 Blackhawk Rd,
Danville, CA 94506
Toll Free Info and Customer Service : 1 866 508 8806
Email: info@lilliantoomandala.com Fax: +1 925 736 6177

Lift Your Spirits

lthousewithlights3A quick way to lift your spirits and the energy in your home is to turn on all the lights, especially when the air seems heavy. This is what I call a yang enhancing ritual – it’s a quick and easy way to lift the chi and is a great solution if you don’t have many windows to bring in light from the outside. Try it!


Affirm It!

Affirmations are short positive statements that help us state our goals. We all have certain words or affirmations that we relate to that stimulate our thinking and motivate us. You can reinforce your affirmations by writing and reading them daily – this triggers the subconscious mind and can help to reprogram negative thoughts.