Discover the secrets

ltpic13I teach a lot about balance and if you’ve read any of my books or articles in Feng Shui World Magazine, you know how much importance I place on it. This applies not only to feng shui placements in your home, but to your inner feng shui as well.

According to the Chinese, everything in the universe is yin or yang, female or masculine, dark or light, cold or hot… and one cannot exist without the other. So if you don’t have the yin energy of darkness for example, you cannot know the yang of light. Too much of either yin or yang energy doesn’t work either. Think for a minute about your home – are any of the rooms too yin? Are they too dark, damp, too quiet or too cold? When this happens there is insufficient life energy to bring prosperity. Alternatively, when a room is very yang in nature, accidents can happen because there is too much energy. But when there is balance between the yin and yang, there is generally prosperity, health and happiness.

This also applies to your inner feng shui as well. When your body is out of alignment and your chi is diminished everything is affected. That’s why it’s so important to think about the food you are eating and daily exercise. Think about keeping your body in balance as well as your home as you practice feng shui. Remember that yin and yang are opposite energies that complement each other so strive for a harmonious blend in your home, garden and your body!

To your success!

3 Easy Ways To Recharge & Replenish Your Inner Chi

Chi, your energy or life force, is a dynamic vibration that circulates continually through the body. Your breathing, sleeping, talking, eating and even your ability to think and to communicate all come from this vibration. It literally drives your internal engine.

So think of your body as a pure vibration of energy. The level and quality of the energy flow of chi inside your body is always in a state of flux – a state of change that we must carefully monitor and attend to.

For example, when there is an excessive energy loss, our body becomes weak. We feel drained, tired and worn out. We are more vulnerable to disease and illness because our internal energy is low — or blocked and stagnant. When this happens it is important to do something to revive the vibrancy of your life force. Here are 3 ways to do this:

ltladysleeping41) Get Plenty Of Sleep — this is the first and foremost way to replenish your chi. Think of your body as a battery that is being recharged. As you sleep, all the meridian points of your body receive energy from the universe. You know yourself how much better and refreshed you feel and how much more energy you have after a good night’s sleep. When you fail to get enough sleep, these vital points cannot be recharged and internal blocks begin to form — the body can become seriously weakened.


2) Eat the Right Foods & Drink Water — when you eat the right foods and drink plenty of water, your body is able to rid itself of the toxins — and you will automatically improve your energy intake. The quality of the flow of chi inside of you depends on the flow of oxygen and the removal of toxins — and both use the circulation of the bloodstream within the boy to accomplish these goals. When circulation is impeded, your body becomes overwhelmed. Organs can be damaged and tension and depression may set in as your life force slows down.

3) Meditate and Breathe! — Many special exercises, breathing techniques and meditation are also effective methods toltpeopledoingtaichi dissolve blocks in the flow of chi and to improve the efficiency of your internal organs. Consider doing tai chi, yoga and pranayama breathing exercises. Learn more about these and begin to take part in the maintenance of your own life force.

When your chi vibration is balanced, your organs and internal circulation are in harmony and the quality of your life force improves greatly.

To your health!

Cosmic & Local Spirits – A Source of Magic?

Spiritual feng shui not only channels abundance from the cosmic universe, it also shows you how to live alongside your local spirits and more importantly, to win their cooperation. The local spirits can be your allies or your adversaries.”

Did you know that your local spirits are indeed a source of magic and they can intercede on your behalf to the Earth spirits to bring you good health and great success? Whenever anyone in the home falls ill, it is usually due to ill winds brought by passing spirits. Your local spirits are the guardians of your home, so treat them like your cosmic landlords.

Please do note that there are thousands of different kinds of spirit beings, some more powerful than others. There are earth spirits, air spirits, water spirits, tree and plant spirits, as well as spirits of the nether regions below the earth and spirits of the skies high above.

ltincenseburner5When your local landlords are watching over you, wandering spirits have no chance to cause mischief. Similarly, they also have little chance to cause obstacles to your success. They cannot block your success. And needless to say, should others try to cast their black magic or evil spells on you, your local spirits will easily divert these back to where they came from.

So, it makes good sense to “nurture” the spirits of your space and your local landlords – it is such an amazingly beneficial thing to do and there are several ways to appease them and achieve their help and cooperation. Connecting with these powerful beings requires making offerings of incense, food, water, pleasant music, fragrant aromas and even fruit and flowers to show your respect and request their blessings.

Appeasing the local spirits of your space need not compromise any of your religious principles. Think of these spirits as beings from parallel realms who will benefit from your compassion and generosity. You do not need to pray to them but what you can do is say prayers for them. They will appreciate this very much indeed!


ltpic14Grand Master Lillian Too is undoubtedly the world’s most prolific and popular writer and advocate on living with good feng shui! She has written over 100 books that have been translated into 31 different languages, and over 10 million copies of her books have been sold worldwide.

After graduating with an MBA from Harvard Business School, Lillian went on to pursue a highly successful business career in banking and finance in the 1980’s in Hong Kong. Her business acumen, drive and abundant energy soon led her from the finance world to the world of luxury department stores and boutiques where, through a leveraged buy out, she became Chairman and shareholder of The Dragon Seed Group.

All the while she was guided and taught by her feng shui masters in Hong Kong and China – and she attributes much of her monumental and quick rise to success in Hong Kong directly to them.

Lillian soon decided to retire from active corporate life and return to Malaysia to raise her beautiful daughter, Jennifer, and spend more time with her family. It was at this time she began to devote her energy to writing and furthering her study of feng shui.

She published her first book in Malaysia in 1995 that quickly became a best seller and the rest is history. Today she is Chairman of Wofs.Com, a feng shui franchise and merchandising company run by her daughter, Jennifer Too.

She trains feng shui students and future consultants at her Certified Consulting Institute in Malaysia and is much loved by her readers, associates and students for the way she teaches practical feng shui in a user-friendly way, using ordinary situations and circumstances that interest people and affect their everyday lives.

In November 2009, at the International Feng Shui Convention in Singapore, the well-deserved title of GRAND MASTER OF FENG SHUI was conferred upon Lillian Too. Immediately following this accolade, in early January 2010, she received the prestigious Brand Laureate Personality of The Year Award presented by the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia! There seems to be no stopping her popularity and these days!

Lillian believes everyone should know her secrets and learn how to adapt feng shui to modern life… and she warmly welcomes you into her Mandala.

You can learn more about Lillian by visiting her website at

Lillian Too Mandala – North American Office
3840 Blackhawk Rd,
Danville, CA 94506
Toll Free Info and Customer Service : 1 866 508 8806
Email: Fax: +1 925 736 6177

Garden Feng Shui Tip

ltdeadplantsThe feng shui rule of clearing obstruction and allowing chi to flow freely applies not only to how furniture is placed in your home, but to your garden as well. Cut down any rotting or sick trees in your garden to avoid the old and decaying energy to pass to residents of the household. And this old energy may cause yin spirit formation, which can cause sickness to hit as well. Dead or wilting plants or flowers should be trimmed and pruned regularly as well.


It’s Okay to Change Your Mind!

You can always change your mind. You may have taken a new job that isn’t working, or moved into an apartment that is not really what you wanted but you were pressed for time. You may have entered into a relationship and now find that the person isn’t exactly who you thought he or she was! You can always change your mind… but never compromise your values.











LTPic12I’m writing to you today from the BIG APPLE! Yes, that’s right I’m in New York for a few days before heading down to Boston and the 40th reunion of my class at Harvard Business School! Don’t worry…we’re taking lots and lots of photos…and I’ll be sharing them with you in the coming weeks.

Here in New York I can just feel the pulsating energy…the bright neon lights of Broadway, crowds of people everywhere all heading in their own particular direction, great delis and delicious food…it has brought back a lot of memories from my Harvard days. So much yang energy…day and night! One thing I have noticed is the competitive nature of everything… from what Broadway show to see, which souvenir store to shop at, where to find the best deals in electronics to what clothing stores have good sales on! Mind blowing!

As an aside…we Chinese know that Kuan Yu (or Kuan Kung) is not only a fierce protector but also one of the most important wealth gods found among business owners at home in KL and throughout Asia. He also helps to overcome competition, yet I haven’t seen one here ha ha…except in Chinatown of course.

You’ll forgive me for not writing more today…I want to spend every minute out on the town!

Love from the Big Apple!

ltbedroomwithmirrorWhat’s happening inside your bedroom? Probably too much! Your bedroom should be a comfortable and relaxing place – somewhere to sleep and re-energize your body. It’s not a place for using your treadmill or working on your laptop or tablet. It’s a place of comfort…and rest.

And speaking of rest…and getting the most out of a good night sleep, remember that any mirrors facing the bed are a real feng shui taboo. If you have mirrored closet doors or a mirror of any sort facing your bed, you should remove the mirrors and replace with wooden doors or a hanging drape – be sure to cover them up as they could cause interference in your marriage.

ltbedroomwithceilingfanAnother thing to watch for is ceiling fans or exposed beams that may be overhead. Move your bed if possible to avoid sleeping directly underneath them. If you cannot do this, try to camouflage them in some way.

Of course we’d all love to have the perfect bedroom…located in the sector of the house that corresponds to our family and marriage direction but this isn’t always possible. What you can be sure to do instead is have your head pointed in your best personal direction. If you don’t know what this is be sure to go to and download your kua number in the upper right hand corner of the screen. If it’s still a problem to have your head pointed in your best personal direction, make sure you are not facing any one of your four inauspicious directions (also revealed by your kua number).

Remember above all…this is a peaceful place of solitude, rest and relaxation!
Sweet dreams!



ltkuankungI always tell my students to adopt a defensive strategy and to protect themselves from bad feng shui before trying to enhance good feng shui. One of the ways to do this is by using guardian images.

When you use celestial guardians in your home or office they must be placed in the correct location. As you know, one of the areas requiring maximum protection is your front door (main entrance) or nearby. This is the “mouth” of the home where the chi enters.

One excellent guardian to consider using is Kuan Kung. It’s said that even the most desperate criminals and wandering spirits are scared off when they enter and find his fierce countenance facing them! You might consider a brass image of Kuan Kung as this will serve the dual purpose of controlling certain earth related afflictions as well as keeping criminals at bay.

You may not be aware that Kuan Kung can also attract mentor luck when displayed in the NW corner of your home and powerful support and protection for the patriarch!

And finally he is of course a wealth God too…especially effective if your business is suffering and/or facing competition. There are fabulous images of Kuan Kung both standing and on horseback but the ones on horseback are considered best for business people. Be sure that his expression is very fierce and powerful!

To Your Success!

ltpic10Grand Master Lillian Too is undoubtedly the world’s most prolific and popular writer and advocate on living with good feng shui! She has written over 100 books that have been translated into 31 different languages, and over 10 million copies of her books have been sold worldwide.

After graduating with an MBA from Harvard Business School, Lillian went on to pursue a highly successful business career in banking and finance in the 1980’s in Hong Kong. Her business acumen, drive and abundant energy soon led her from the finance world to the world of luxury department stores and boutiques where, through a leveraged buy out, she became Chairman and shareholder of The Dragon Seed Group.

All the while she was guided and taught by her feng shui masters in Hong Kong and China – and she attributes much of her monumental and quick rise to success in Hong Kong directly to them.

Lillian soon decided to retire from active corporate life and return to Malaysia to raise her beautiful daughter, Jennifer, and spend more time with her family. It was at this time she began to devote her energy to writing and furthering her study of feng shui.

She published her first book in Malaysia in 1995 that quickly became a best seller and the rest is history. Today she is Chairman of Wofs.Com, a feng shui franchise and merchandising company run by her daughter, Jennifer Too.

She trains feng shui students and future consultants at her Certified Consulting Institute in Malaysia and is much loved by her readers, associates and students for the way she teaches practical feng shui in a user-friendly way, using ordinary situations and circumstances that interest people and affect their everyday lives.

In November 2009, at the International Feng Shui Convention in Singapore, the well-deserved title of GRAND MASTER OF FENG SHUI was conferred upon Lillian Too. Immediately following this accolade, in early January 2010, she received the prestigious Brand Laureate Personality of The Year Award presented by the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia! There seems to be no stopping her popularity and these days!

Lillian believes everyone should know her secrets and learn how to adapt feng shui to modern life… and she warmly welcomes you into her Mandala.

You can learn more about Lillian by visiting her website at

Lillian Too Mandala – North American Office
3840 Blackhawk Rd,
Danville, CA 94506
Toll Free Info and Customer Servce : 1 866 508 8806
Email: Fax: +1 925 736 6177

Feng Shui For Office Doors

You can improve your success luck if the location, direction and design of the door that leads into your private office comply with good feng shui.

  • Make sure the door is not hit by anything harmful such as poison arrows.
  • Try to have your door located in a corner of your room and facing a direction that is auspicious for you.
  • No glass panels on the door please.
  • Try for the following door colours in the respective sectors: brown for east and southeast (wood); white for the west and northwest (metal); maroon for the south (fire); black for the north (water); and beige for the southwest and northeast (earth).

ltladysurprisedwithgiftNothing will bring you greater happiness than the practice of generosity. Surprise someone today with a gift that is totally unexpected and watch what happens! There is a lot of joy in the simple act of giving.

Here’s a special holiday feng shui secret that works


Tomorrow many of my students and friends in the USA will be celebrating Thanksgiving with family and friends. People travel thousands of miles to be together (it’s the biggest travel time of the year – 46 million people will travel this weekend!), students come home from university, a great meal is prepared with special foods that are holiday favorites and everyone gathers around the family table to share in a happy and celebratory mood.



The Traditional Thanksgiving feast in America

LTThanksgivingTurkeyAnd I’ve heard that over the holidays in America many people gain an average of 4.5 kilos or ten pounds…so do be careful when enjoying all the delicious food and festivities.

No matter what our upbringing or cultural background, we all know that the holiday times bring pressure and stress…for any number of reasons…it may be family relationship problems, financial stress, health issues or just a lack of time to get everything done.

That’s where good feng shui can help…so in this week’s issue you’ll find my personal feng shui secrets to help you “de-stress” and enjoy the holiday season!

Now it’s also that time of the year when we are busy here in Malaysia making final preparations for all the upcoming Extravaganzas. I really look forward to these every year because it gives me a chance to meet and catch up with old students, friends and meet newcomers as well.

I want to bring your attention to my upcoming extravaganza in Florida in just a few weeks. This is the first of my three extravaganzas and honestly I’m really so thrilled to be coming to see you all there. I have so much to share in the two days that we will be together – December 20-21st at the Diplomat Hotel (it’s a really gorgeous place)! And it’s hard to beat the weather in Florida…I’ve been watching all those snow storms in upstate New York over the past week or so. Do try your best to make this event – I’m bringing lots of great feng shui products and some new yummy designs you are going to love!

Here’s the link for more information on the Florida Event

Yes, no matter where we are in the world we all have much to be thankful for. I am very grateful for my family, and for friends and students who have become like family to me…


The Wu Wang – Five Yellow in 2015 and What To Do!

The affliction known as the five yellow or “wu wang” can be very harmful, and in certain years can cause much damage to your family or business if your home or office is directly hit by it. This is something that everyone in business should be aware of. In 2015 the number five star flies to the WEST and occupies 45 degrees of the compass!

So this means those whose homes face or sit WEST and those whose main doors are located in the WEST sector will be negatively affected in 2015. This is important because every time the door is opened or closed or any kind of activity in the place of the 5 yellow energizes its bad vibrations causing misfortune to befall you. So if your main door is afflicted you must put the proper cures in place.

Its location in the WEST also affects young women of the household and this usually refers to the youngest daughter and young women of households. It is a good idea to move out of any room located in the West this year to avoid the ill affects of this nasty star.

Fortunately the WEST is a metal sector, which makes it strong enough to exhaust the potency of the earth-star 5, making it slightly less dangerous. But if we take into consideration the Period 8 number of the West (1) which is WATER, it is easily overcome by the intrinsic energy of Earth (5)!

LTHeartSutraPillarCURE: The Heart Sutra Pillar
The remedy used for suppressing the 5-yellow in 2015 must have Strong Metal and WOFS has created an awesome pillar, brightly chromed in gold and etched with the Heart Sutra, a powerful sutra that will keep the 5 under control. It has a lotus base and a strong mount above – these together with the sutra etched on the pillar will absorb all of the negative energies of the West in 2015. It has the power to bring local spirit protectors to your side and will safeguard against bad people illness, accidents and reversals of fortune.

This can be the main cure for the number 5 star this year and it’s presence in the home will also enhance secondary cures used to suppress the number 5 star in other rooms of the house as well as those that you carry with you.

Another magnificent cure to complement the Sacred Pillar is the 5-Spoked Thunderbolt. This Strong Metal instrument is believed to possess spiritual cosmic powers. It is also known as the vajra, a powerful symbol of indestructability, which Buddhists believe to be the main implement of Guru Rinpoche


NOTE: There are some additional feng shui taboos associated with the 5-yellow. You must not dig in the ground, cut down any trees, renovate or disturb the part of the land or house in anyway. This means keeping dogs or pets away from the WEST in 2015 and reducing bright lights and noise in this sector.

When the five yellow is disturbed and activated, it brings loss of wealth, loss of employment, accidents, injuries, robbery and sometimes it can even bring death. Please be careful, take this affliction very seriously and put the proper protection in place.

A Special Holiday Feng Shui Secret From Me!

De-clutter! Now this may seem crazy when there is so much else to get done but I promise you this works…and if you follow my advice you’ll get an amazing lift and you may be very surprised at what else happens to you as a result…



But wait…here’s the rest of the secret…

It’s about attachment …the reason we have such a hard time getting rid of things or giving them away is because we are “attached” to them – and attachment is a very negative habit and also one that’s hard to break. When we are “attached” we hang on to old things and unless we can let go of them we will forever be stuck and never escape from our past! When we are stuck, our inner chi is also “stuck” and we stagnate…in our lives, jobs and relationships.

Try these three de-cluttering suggestions today …I admit they are not easy to do especially when things get hectic. But I promise you will feel a liberation that you have never felt before … your life and relationships will improve as you begin to step out of the past and into the future! Oh and by the way…this really isn’t just a “holiday” secret but one you can and should use all through the year!

Happy Thanksgiving to those of you in America and much love to all of my students and friends everywhere…


ltpic10-2Grand Master Lillian Too is undoubtedly the world’s most prolific and popular writer and advocate on living with good feng shui! She has written over 100 books that have been translated into 31 different languages, and over 10 million copies of her books have been sold worldwide.

After graduating with an MBA from Harvard Business School, Lillian went on to pursue a highly successful business career in banking and finance in the 1980’s in Hong Kong. Her business acumen, drive and abundant energy soon led her from the finance world to the world of luxury department stores and boutiques where, through a leveraged buy out, she became Chairman and shareholder of The Dragon Seed Group.

All the while she was guided and taught by her feng shui masters in Hong Kong and China – and she attributes much of her monumental and quick rise to success in Hong Kong directly to them.

Lillian soon decided to retire from active corporate life and return to Malaysia to raise her beautiful daughter, Jennifer, and spend more time with her family. It was at this time she began to devote her energy to writing and furthering her study of feng shui.

She published her first book in Malaysia in 1995 that quickly became a best seller and the rest is history. Today she is Chairman of Wofs.Com, a feng shui franchise and merchandising company run by her daughter, Jennifer Too.

She trains feng shui students and future consultants at her Certified Consulting Institute in Malaysia and is much loved by her readers, associates and students for the way she teaches practical feng shui in a user-friendly way, using ordinary situations and circumstances that interest people and affect their everyday lives.

In November 2009, at the International Feng Shui Convention in Singapore, the well-deserved title of GRAND MASTER OF FENG SHUI was conferred upon Lillian Too. Immediately following this accolade, in early January 2010, she received the prestigious Brand Laureate Personality of The Year Award presented by the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia! There seems to be no stopping her popularity and these days!

Lillian believes everyone should know her secrets and learn how to adapt feng shui to modern life… and she warmly welcomes you into her Mandala.

You can learn more about Lillian by visiting her website at

Lillian Too Mandala – North American Office
3840 Blackhawk Rd,
Danville, CA 94506
Toll Free Info and Customer Servce : 1 866 508 8806
Email: Fax: +1 925 736 6177


The Element of POWER LUCK in 2015 is FIRE!

ltfireelementIn 2015, the significance of FIRE energy is that it brings power and recognition luck. These are important in attaining success! There is direct as well as indirect power luck in 2015, because there is obvious and hidden fire in the chart.

It is therefore excellent to install strong fire energy in your home in 2015, and especially in the center of the home because it will also will subdue the hostile and argumentative 3 star in the center.

If you feel that helping others is the real purpose of your life, this indicates that you possess the ultimate realization that leads to unlimited spiritual growth. Make a strong, heartfelt commitment that your life’s purpose is to dedicate yourself to the service of others. Once you have done this, watch your spiritual awareness begin to unfold and flourish!


If you feel that helping others is the real purpose of your life, this indicates that you possess the ultimate realization that leads to unlimited spiritual growth. Make a strong, heartfelt commitment that your life’s purpose is to dedicate yourself to the service of others. Once you have done this, watch your spiritual awareness begin to unfold and flourish!

The secrets we all want to know

ltpic9In just a few days it will be 4th of July, which is a very big holiday for all of my friends and students In the USA! It’s also called Independence Day and marks the signing of the Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776 (declaring independence from Great Britain).

LT4thofJulyThis is a huge day of fun and celebration – lots of YANG energy! Some of the festivities are fireworks (of course!) along with parades, family reunions and barbecues. What the Americans are really celebrating is freedom. It reminds us just how lucky we are – all of us who live in countries that allow us freedom of choice, to follow our dreams and to reach whatever level of success we desire! Unfortunately not all people are so lucky.

I’ve included an article today on Paht Chee reading… with my updated course opening for registration on July 9th this should be of interest to you. You may have already received a few emails from me about my upcoming online course so stay tuned for more details early next week.

Please don’t forget to get your tickets and register for my upcoming Spiritual Event in Singapore on July 13 and KL on the 20th. I am so looking forward to seeing everyone again …the spiritual dimension of feng shui is really so vital to your overall practice! Do plan on spending the day with me, okay?

There’s still time to register Spiritual Feng Shui Event


P.S. – Wow – I almost forgot – please check out our updated new website – It’s easy to navigate with lots of great improvements- makes you shopping easy and fun. Do let me know what you think of the new site, okay?

Unlocking the Secrets of Your Birth Chart Does it Really Work?

A lot of people who aren’t familiar with feng shui or paht chee reading have asked me if it’s necessary to have both skills…and I always recommend that you learn both. Why? Because your level of success depends on timing…and having the knowledge of when the good and bad years, months and days will hit makes Paht Chee a fabulous life tool that offers invaluable advice for personal decision-making.

The Chinese Way of Thinking

You see, Chinese philosophy stresses that prevention is always better than cure so my approach to life and living is always focused on preventing bad things from happening…and this is one of the first things you’ll learn when you study feng shui with me. Knowing how to read your paht chee chart gives you ample warning to prevent misfortune…and it is a reliable and popular way of getting significant clues so that you can tap into your veins of good fortune days too.

We Chinese believe that it is only by knowing the benchmarks and milestones in your life as revealed in your birth data that you can be forewarned of obstacles in your life and identify the “lucky” periods too. This is what knowing how to do a Paht Chee reading will give you.

We don’t consult feng shui or paht chee experts from a fatalistic viewpoint…but rather the motivation is to discover the ways and means of improving our lives. You can do this too once you know how to read your chart.

It’s A Step By Step Process

Now once you begin the course and start to unlock the secrets of your birth chart and check back on years or time periods that have passed, you’ll find that it’s almost uncanny how accurate the reading is…and you’ll wish you had known before what lay ahead. How often have you said…”Oh…if only I had known this in advance!”

In my course you will first learn how to read your chart…and what’s so cool is that you will actually download your own personal chart from my website at and use it as I teach you step-by-step how to make a proper analysis.


Here’s a sample of a paht chee chart. You can download your own personal chart from my website to use in the course.

But that’s not all! As we find the problems that lay ahead I will teach you the remedies to help neutralize and overcome misfortune indications…as well as exactly how to enhance certain elements that will strengthen you. If you’ve studied feng shui with me and know the 5-Element Theory you are a step ahead…because the key is elemental analysis and it all goes back to the theory of the FIVE ELEMENTS.

Your Paht Chee chart is made up of four pillars or columns and each pillar comprises two levels containing two elements that define an important pillar of your date of birth – the year, month, date and hour. We’ll analyze the eight elements superficially and then in great depth…and the deeper we go into the analysis the more secrets about you are revealed. This course is all about analysis…and it’s not difficult.

Some Of My Students Are Famous

Look, there’s a lot of junk out there today on the internet making promises to everyone about life-changing results…so I don’t blame folks for wondering if learning Paht Chee is important and if it really works.

Let me share something with you.

My students that have studied with me in Malaysia learn enough Paht Chee in a week to undertake very comprehensive readings for themselves and others and now you can too. In fact, many have even turned pro and there are amongst my students a few who have now become so good that they successfully advise big politicians and business men helping them to maintain their success using the timing element! You simply need know the best times to make specific decisions regarding your success potential.

To your future!


The Eight Major Offerings

LTFlowerIn Chinese feng shui there are eight major offerings that are believed to bring excellent good fortune when made to the deities and especially to the Buddhas.

  1. The offering of food which signifies prosperity
  2. The offering of money which signifies generosity that leads to wealth
  3. The offering of water which signifies clear minds
  4. The offering of flowers, which signifies beauty.
  5. The offer of light which signifies knowledge and wisdom
  6. The offering of incense which signifies the overcoming of obstacles
  7. The offering of music or sound which signifies happiness
  8. The offering of dance, which signifies a cause for celebration.

All of these offerings are associated with each of the Eight Offering Goddesses who bring blessings from Buddha. Note the symbolism of the auspicious number eight…there is also a divine connection between this number and the celestial deities that shower down good fortune!LTCandles

If you have an altar at home you can enhance its energy by making offerings to the deities on the altar…so why not place eight lovely figurines to signify the eight offering goddesses? Place a little of each offering by each of the deities to ensure eight types of good fortune and protection.


ltpic10Grand Master Lillian Too is undoubtedly the world’s most prolific and popular writer and advocate on living with good feng shui! She has written over 100 books that have been translated into 31 different languages, and over 10 million copies of her books have been sold worldwide.

After graduating with an MBA from Harvard Business School, Lillian went on to pursue a highly successful business career in banking and finance in the 1980’s in Hong Kong. Her business acumen, drive and abundant energy soon led her from the finance world to the world of luxury department stores and boutiques where, through a leveraged buy out, she became Chairman and shareholder of The Dragon Seed Group.

All the while she was guided and taught by her feng shui masters in Hong Kong and China – and she attributes much of her monumental and quick rise to success in Hong Kong directly to them.

Lillian soon decided to retire from active corporate life and return to Malaysia to raise her beautiful daughter, Jennifer, and spend more time with her family. It was at this time she began to devote her energy to writing and furthering her study of feng shui.

She published her first book in Malaysia in 1995 that quickly became a best seller and the rest is history. Today she is Chairman of Wofs.Com, a feng shui franchise and merchandising company run by her daughter, Jennifer Too.

She trains feng shui students and future consultants at her Certified Consulting Institute in Malaysia and is much loved by her readers, associates and students for the way she teaches practical feng shui in a user-friendly way, using ordinary situations and circumstances that interest people and affect their everyday lives.

In November 2009, at the International Feng Shui Convention in Singapore, the well-deserved title of GRAND MASTER OF FENG SHUI was conferred upon Lillian Too. Immediately following this accolade, in early January 2010, she received the prestigious Brand Laureate Personality of The Year Award presented by the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia! There seems to be no stopping her popularity and these days!

Lillian believes everyone should know her secrets and learn how to adapt feng shui to modern life… and she warmly welcomes you into her Mandala.

You can learn more about Lillian by visiting her website at

Lillian Too Mandala – North American Office
3840 Blackhawk Rd,
Danville, CA 94506
Toll Free Info and Customer Servce : 1 866 508 8806
Email: Fax: +1 925 736 6177

Special Scents & IncenseLTProsperityIncenseSet

Fragrant scents can make you feel good instantly! Different smells have the power to change the vibrations of your personal space. Find an incense that works for you – usually natural scents work better than artificially produced chemicals. At WOFS we carry a wide range of incense and incense powders for many unique applications -be sure to go to and find one that suits you best!

Life is about realizing your own potential so that you can be of maximum benefit to the greatest number of people. Life signifies actions that make your existence really meaningful so you are fulfilled and can enjoy this special kind of happiness. Of course all depends on your past karma but you do have the opportunity to change your mankind luck and therefore your karma.